Without me

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Alison's POV

Today I'm going in to my appointment and I'm extremely nervous. I want to tell Emily what's happening but the words won't come out. I don't know what I'm going to say to Emily because we have work today..

"Ali, are you asleep?" I hear Emily whisper from the other side of the bed, "no" I whisper back and I feel her hands wrap around my waist. "We better start getting ready soon" she mumbles and rubs up and down my sides. "I don't feel good" I stutter trying to act sick and her hands find my stomach, "are you okay?" She asks and I shrug and put my hand over hers that's on my stomach. "Are you gonna call off?" She questions, "yeah" I mumble and she slides out of bed and walks to the side where I'm facing, "what hurts?" She asks and I shrug, "everything" I tell her and she moves hair behind my ear and rubs the side of my face, "do you need my to stay home too?" She suggests and I shake my head. "You don't have too I'll be okay em" I assure her and she pecks my lips. "I'll go wake up Estelle and get her ready once I'm done, you get more rest" Emily mumbles when she stands up. "Babe" I stutter quickly before she could walk out. She turns her head and looks at me, "I love you" I whisper and she smiles, "I love you too"

Once Emily and Estelle our gone I rush to get ready and barge out the front door and into my car. My appointment is at 8 and it's already 7:50.

I'm in the middle of driving when my phone buzzes with a text from Emily


Em💍- forgot my bag, I'll be going back to get it in a few minutes.

Me- oh okay

Em💍- how are you feeling?

Me- better. Did you drop Estelle of yet?

Em💍- yeah I'm in the high school parking lot about to pull out. See you soon. Love you babe

Me- love ya

End of texts

Oh no, Emily's going to go home and I won't be there. She's going to think something happened. I pull into the clinic and rush inside. "Alison DiLaurentis Fields" I stutter to the front office lady and she types in her computer. "She'll be out here shortly" she mumbles and I take the same seat I was sitting in before.

When I was called in my heart was pounding. "This will be quick and easy, are you ready?" The doctor asks as we walk into the room and I nod. "Are you in a relationship?" She asks looking up and down and I nod, "uh yeah, I have a wife and a daughter" I tell her and she gives me a weird look, "where is your wife?" She asks and I shrug.

The whole process was uncomfortable and scary. All I thought of when I was going through that was Emily. I needed her during this. I'm officially going to have a baby now. I want to tell Emily but I don't know how.

I head to my car and check my phone.


Em💍- where are you???

Em💍- I'm worried

Em💍- plz text me

Em💍- babe

End of texts

I rush home and see Emily's car parked out front. Once I pull in I see Emily open the door and rush to me. She opens my car door before I could even reach for it. She grabs a hold of me tightly and her breathing slowly decreases. " I was worried sick Alison where were y-" she starts to say but stops when she glances over at the passenger seat. I turn my head and see a letter from the doctor about my visit today. I quickly grab in and flip it over, "you did it? Without me?" She questions shocked and I stand out of the car. I walk inside with her following and I go straight to the couch. "I wanted to tell you Emily but I also wanted to do something on my own." I mumble and she shakes her head. "No Alison I wanted a baby together, I didn't want it to just be yours" she stutters and my heart drops, "what do you mean?" I ask confused and guilty. "I didn't want you doing this without me Alison, you ruined everything" she tells me angrily and I agree with her, "I didn't know that we could have a baby that's actually both of ours" I mumble and she puts her hands on her forehead, "did you even care to look up what you were doing before you did it Alison!" She shouts getting angrier by the second. "Emily, I did this for you. You can have this baby, I never wanted another one you did. And don't blame me for not wanting to tell you what was going on. You were to busy with Paige you didn't even notice" I say and she stands up, "what am I supposed to do have an abortion? What do you want Emily! I try to make you happy and it never works. I'm so done trying, you can go storm off into our room and act like I screwed your whole life over" I shout at Emily who's walking away and she turns around, "I just wish you would've told me, I was the one that wanted this your right but you had no idea what you were doing! Why couldn't you just trust me?!" She yells and my heart starts to beat fast. "What are we gonna do?" I whisper with my voice cracking, "nothing" she says bluntly and walks up the stairs.

I cry to myself on the couch. I tried to do something for Emily and I messed up. Why does this always have to happen? I get into my car to pick up Estelle from school. Emily stayed here all day because she was worried about me, so that means she never went to work along with me.

When I pull into the parking lot I see Estelle playing on the playground with her friend Elizabeth. I walk over to both of them and Estelle's pushing her around and telling her what to do. "Estelle" I mumble and she turns her head and runs to me, "where's the rest of your class?" I ask and she shrugs, "me and Elizabeth are playin" she tells me and I grab her hand and walk over to Elizabeth, "hi hunny I'm Estelle's mom" I greet the cute little girl and bend down to be able to look at her. "Hi" she whispers shyly.

I sign Estelle out and we get into the car and pull out of the school. "How was your day?" I ask and glance at her through the mirror. "Good" she sighs as I pull into the driveway. I take Estelle out of her seat and she runs a head of me into the house. "Mommy!" She yells at the staircase and then runs up them when she doesn't reply. I slowly follow and she bursts into our room and I look through the door to see Emily crying. "What's wrong?" Estelle questions trying to comfort her and Emily tries to hide it. "N-nothing, what's up?" She stutters and wipes away her tears.

I go over and sit next to her on the bed and she looks over at me. I look at her for a split second but break eye-contact.

"Can I take a nap?" Estelle asks and crawls into our bed behind us both. "Sure" I mumble and pull the blanket over her and then go back down to the end of the bed where Emily sits. She awkwardly stands up and runs her hand through her messy hair while walking out the door. I look back at Estelle and she's passed out so I leave to talk to Emily.

When I walk down the stairs I see her on her phone sitting on the couch. "Babe, I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was doing. I thought I was making yo happy and so many things were going on at the time. I was just scared and going there was horrible, I would never do it again" I mumble and sit next to her on the couch. "I know, you don't have to feel bad you had no idea what you were doing. We're re going to have this baby together. I love you" she replies and it makes me happy, "I love you too" I whisper and put my hand on her cheek and pull her lips into mine.

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