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Demi's POV

I woke up with a massive headache. Where am I? I don't recognize anything. I found a body next to me with shaggy dirty blonde hair. A smile automatically crept on to my face. Even though I knew I was with Niall, I didn't know where we were. It isn't his house so I'm kind of freaking out. I realize I'm wearing pajamas & Niall has his boxers on.. So nothing inappropriate happened. Good.

"Niall, wake up," I shaked his arm until his perfect crisp blue eyes appeared.

"Morning, love," he said with a cheeky grin.

"Where are we? I don't remember anything from last night. And I'm pretty much freaking out," I replied a bit anxious.

"We're in a hotel. Last night was a tad crazy. After the little chat we had, we decide to go to the club," he spoke as he stood up & stretched.

That's when everything was coming back to me.


"Niall, I love youuuuuuu!" I slurred as me & Ni danced non stop.

"Demi, I love you too," he flashed his winning smile. I remember he was pretty much sober. Since he was going to drive us.

Minutes later..

"Babe, I'm gonna go get a drink. Can you get us a table while I'm gone?" I kissed his cheek. I didn't even bother for him to respond. He mumbled something I couldn't make out but I saw him smile & I took that as a yes. I walked carefully to the bar.

"A martini with vodka on the rocks," I explained to the not so old bar tender. I decide to sit since my feet were killing me. I sat next to this guy with smooth light brown hair brushed back.

As I waited, for what seem liked forever, the guy next to be turned. That's when I saw that familiar smirk.

"Hello Demi, miss me?" he responded cocky.

Gregg Sulkin. That asshole.

"You. You were the one who sent me the text!" I shouted in his face.

"You know your pretty slow, so what about your little secret? Did you decide to tell George & Niall? Or should I? Because I'd love to," he said with a stupid grin.

"Don't you dare get near any of them!" I screamed as I felt my face turning red.

"Demi, I'm not the dangerous one here. That would be you. You've hurt them in the past, are you going to hurt them again? We both know that they think you don't know they're brothers. But the thing is that if they found out & remembered, they'll solve the puzzle piece," Gregg said a serious British tone.

"Go. To. Hell. Gregg!" I shouted at the top of my lungs with a few head turning.

"I'll see you there, Demi," He swiftly stood up but he had more to say, "watch your back."


I felt tears streaming down my cheeks without realizing it.

Niall had a concerned look on his face. He walked up to me, wiped my tears & hugged me tightly. His hugs were the best thing ever. We sat in silence as he kept holding me close to his body that I could here his heartbeat & smell the scent of his sweet cologne.

Seconds later...

"Baby, you alright? I don't like it when you cry. Is it because of the contract that's about to end? And the decision?" He asked sadly.

That's when it hit me.

Time flew by so quickly I totally forgot about the contract ending. I've been on "dates" with both boys. I haven't told George about me & Ni. Me & him still talk, we've become great friends.

"Niall, promise me something.." I said in a whisper of panic.

"Anything, love," he replied sweetly as he caressed my cheek.

"Promise me, no matter what happens with this contract or whatever else. We will stay together because I love you & no one else," I responded as I looked deeply into his eyes.

"I promise, babe, I love you," he said as he kissed me gently.

A promise can be broken.


Lol okaay, my name is karenn.. With 2 n's, I know weirddd. Well so like this story is getting good. There's a lot of stuff starting, remember EVERYONE has a secret in this story. And everything connects to Demi. Okay well please vote & comment! I want feedback.(:

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