Meeting them.

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Demi's POV

I was just sitting there. Not one word as I just looked at Niall & George. But most of the time while our managers talked I just stated at the ceiling. Counting every spot & every line. Just as I heard,"Demi, do you agree?" "With what? Not being able to choose who to date & just getting forced into dating some jerks? Uhm no thank you." Karen scowled at me," Demi, watch it. And yes she agrees to being told of how to act at each date & what to say in interviews." Ugh, great one less thing I can't be honest in. Just as I was leaving, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to find Niall. "Hey, I'm sorry about all of this. I promise I'm not a jerk." I just said," You can get any girl, you are on top of the world and get to do whatever you want. I, on the other hand, can't do shit without being judged. So how bout we don't even talk at all unless these 'dates' . I've already been through so much shit with a lot of guys and I don't plan on actually liking you or George."

Niall's POV

She just turned and walked away. I've got to admit those words kind of hurt. But I'm going to prove her wrong. I am willing to make her fall in love with me. As me & my manager Rick were on our way to our house, I got a called from Harry.

H = Harry / N = Niall

H - Hey mate! How'd the meeting go? Did she say anything?

N - Not that great. She doesn't like me or George. But I think I know a way to make her like me.

H - Hmm... Do you think George likes her?

N- I don't know. Me and him didn't really talk much. Well I'll talk to you in a bit I'm almost at the house.

H- Kay, bye.

George's POV

I texted Demi a couple hours after the meeting.

G = George/ D = Demi

G - Hey love, it's George. I know we don't have a great start in meeting each other but I'd like to make you some dinner tonight while you're in town. I'll pick you up so can you?

D - I don't know... Well okay. But just as friends. And pick me up at 7 pm at Holiday Inn. Bye.

G - Kay, I'll text you once on my way. Bye.

I really wanted to get on Demi's good side. Even just as friends. She's been my idol over the years. I was the one who had the idea to do a cover of Skyscraper in our album. She's just amazing & beautiful. Maybe it's crazy but when I first met her I pretty much fell in love. Crazy right? I doubt niall has any feelings for her.

Demi's POV

George was here. I went down the stairs avoiding any paps. I entered his Audi which I loved. "You look amazing," George said with a glimmer in his eyes. I could feel my cheeks getting red," Thanks, you look even better, though." George just blushed," Well that's not even true because you always look beautiful." Beautiful? rarely any guy has called me that. We arrived at his house. "Sorry for the mess, the lads were here getting me ready and they forgot to clean up," George said. "It's fine, I really don't mind." I said a bit more enthusiastic. "Well I have a nice evening planned for us, I'm cooking a family recipe & we can drink some wine," George said a bit sweeter in a quiet voice. I nodded as I followed him to the kitchen.

Demi's POV

We sat there in a candle light dinner. It was pretty romantic and the food was great. Just as we finished eating, George had offered to watch a movie together in the living room. We had quite an argument over what movie. "White frog!" I shrieked and giggled at the same time. "Nooooo, The avengerrrrrrsss" George laughed. "Okay well who's older and has sold more records? Oh yeah, mee." I said as I took the remote & played the movie. "Ouch, that hurt." George said acting like he's hurt while placing a hand over his heart.


Towards the end of the movie, I started to cry while Nick was saying his late brother's words. I guess George had noticed because he put his arm around me and whipped the tears from my face. He mumbled something I couldn't make out. Then I turned and we just had this moment. Next thing I know his lips were brushed against mine. I kissed back. It was amazing. When I finally had just pushed him away, he had this look In his eyes like a lost puppy. "George.... I can't do this. I'm sorry. I like you but this... I can't. The kiss was amazing but what about the contract? What about Ni--- " I was cut off by another kiss as he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly but yet perfectly. He cupped my cheek and said," Love, that doesn't matter. We can tell niall & he won't mind. I like you too... And we can make this work because it's worth it."

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