Is it True?

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DOUBLE UPDATE! Whaaaaat? lol just readddddd!

Niall's POV
Today, me & the lads had an interview with Perez Hilton. He flew to the UK just to talk to us. Pure Joy. *Note Sarcasm* I don't like Perez because he always makes up rumors & such .. It's quite irritating.

The car ride was full of joy like always. We talked & Louis, of course, did his random jokes & pranks. Oh, that lad needs help. We are starting to grow up but he's still the old Louis from 2010 when we met.

As traffic was massive, I kept looking at my phone screen with a soft smile. My lock screen was a picture of me & Demi kissing. Oh how I loved her. I placed my phone in my pocket while I started to talk to Liam who was right next to me.

"You really fancy her, don't you?" He asked with a smirk.

"I love her, Liam. With all my heart. She's just right for me," I replied blushing.

"Good for you, lad. You've been so happy it's contagious!" He laughed.

I zoned out when I felt a vibration.

From Karen:

When Perez asks you about Demi say you're just friends & the dates are hang outs. K? K.

It's weird. I can't believe all of this was because of a contract. One contract made my life the best thing ever. My life has been hell since I was a young lad. And weirdest of all... Me & George were "dating" Demi. My own brother.

"Niallerrrrrrrrrr, we're hereeeeee!" Louis shrieked I felt my ears bleed.

"Oh joy! We get to talked to Perez😒," I sighed as I got of the van. We pretty much had to sprint into the radio station to avoid being mobbed.

We walked into a huge interview room to find Perez & another person. She was very pretty, looked 18 years old & had hazel eyes. She introduced herself as Andrea Russett. Her name sounded familiar...

"Andrea? The one who made the 1/5 of one direction & who brought nerf guns? That Andrea?" Liam asked with a smirk.

"Yeah, that's me! I can't believe you remembered me!" She blushed into a shy smile.

I remember. We had a huge Nerf Gun fight that Paul scowled us for not "focusing". I just managed to laugh at the old memory.

"Yeah, me & my friend are here to help Perez interview you guys," she said with with a sweet smile.

"Your friend? who's would that be?" Harry flirted.

She blushed at Harry,"Zoella, she's a Beauty Guru on YouTube & Im a YouTuber, we've gained some popularity because of if."

Harry smirked," Oh yeah, I've watched some of yours & Zoe's videos."

As we settle down, minutes later came in Zoella. She was tan with Ombre hair.

"I'm so sorry im late! There was lots of traffic! Shall we begin?" She flashed a smile.

Then the interview begun...

"Hey guys, Perez Hilton here with Andrea Russett & Zoella Snugg. And we have the special guests of One Directionnnnn!" Perez said perky.

All of the lads including me said hi to the listeners.

"Okay, well we're going to ask you guys some questions, Zoella you first." Perez responded.

Zoella coughed to clear her Throat," Okay, well how has the tour been?"

Zayn replied," Quite amazing, we get to travel to see our amazing fans that support us that we just love."

Perez then said," Andrea, now you."

You could tell she was nervously speaking," So we all know what the girls want to hear.. Who's single & who's taken?"

Zayn said, "Taken."

Louis said, "Taken."

Harry & Liam responded the same time," Single."

Which left me, shit. I'm dead.

"I... Uh... Single," I felt terrible saying that. I can't believe I can't tell the world Demi's mine.

"Really? We've spotted you on dates with your celebrity crush, Demi Lovato." Perez said bitchy.

"We're just friends hang out," I couldn't get the words out of my mouth.

"Oh then it's true.." Perez said quite disappointed.

I was kind of confused," What is?"

"That Demi is dating George Shelley or that's what her manager cleared up & told the tabloids," Perez replied.

My heart sank to my feet. What? AM I GOING CRAZY? Is that why Karen told me to say we were just friends. Did management choose George? And not me? I bit my nails & I had to respond because everyone looked at me.

"Yeah, she's dating George. Me & her are just good friends. She's happy with George, he's a good lad," I said sadly.

I guess Liam noticed because he said," Is there anymore questions?"

After about an hour we left, we said our goodbyes & I saw harry get Zoella's number. By the time the van started to move, I felt tears down my cheek. All my mates turned around.

"Niall we're sooo sorry.." Harry said concerned.

"I can't believe they chose George, why? What will happen if during the year they "date" she'll love him & not me," I sobbed.

"Mate, she will Not! she loves you deeply & a contract wouldn't change that In a million years Niall. Never!" Zayn said to make me feel better.

"Thanks, guys, I'm just worried you know?" I responded.

After talking things about I decide to call Demi. After the 3rd ring she answered.

"Niall?" She asked nervously.

"Is it true?" I asked emotionless.

Told you guys thing were getting good & that's just the beginning.
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