Chapter 22[Editing]

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the night became rather beautiful and mesmerising , making the water seem so breath taking , well that's what Kate thought as her eyes focused on the water. She was easily taken by how it easily moved but that moment broke when Anna sat next to her and displayed a concerned look.

" you okay?" Anna asked.

" yeah, its just a bit weird being away from home, I mean where we are going is quite far- I don't mean to sound chicken but its just that..."

" no I understand, but you know what will help with your nerves?" Anna's eyes twinkled with mischief"

"' what?"

" Maddie's fruit punch" Maddie said as she held out the red cup out to Kate. Kate rolled her eyes at this and couldn't help but smile.

The girls cheered and earned themselves a few glares from both Stacey and Chelsea , totally ignoring them.

" alright peeps, lets party!" Danny shouted and they started screaming and shouting while the music blared.

Her mind raced as she sped on the road all the way to Austin's place. She didn't know exactly how it would make her sound to the guys, when she told them about what she believed she saw earlier, especially when she believed that he might be dangerous even though was quite far from town by now. She hoped that Max would take her seriously and not let it slide like most people would, especially now that it was the Halloween weekend.

Like a maniac, she screeched the car into a hault and basically jumped out of the car, not thinking of closing or locking it but just ran into the garage. The sight of him made her sigh in relief and thank God , like his instincts told him so, his eyes locked with hers and he met her halfway as a frown became visible on his forehead.

"Julie what-"

"it's him...I saw him Max!" she said urgently and his frown deepened.

" who did you see?"

Julie tried to take a breath and continued." after the gang had left, I decided to stop by the diner to grab a bite but then, I accidentally bumped this strange creepy guy with intense eyes, I can never forget those eyes...they are my uncles eyes, Max- I saw Kate's dad and I have a pretty bad feeling about this"

Like how she had hoped, Max didn't waste time but motioned for her to follow him into the office, but Austin was there busy having a snack. His first expression was sheepish but then he frowned when Max asked to use the computer. Julie suddenly got a text from her mom telling her to return home , said it was urgent.

" what are you looking for?" Austin asked Max.

" trying to find out if Doctor Brown is still held in his cage and I hope it is , because Ill f* kill him if he gets anywhere near her" he muttered to himself.

" Who's Brown?"

" just got a text from my mom, she said I should get home, its urgent" Julie said.

Max went over to where Julie had been standing and took the phone from her, he read the text as well.

" do you think-"

" not sure" Max cut in.

" hey guys check this out" Austin said as he took a seat and scrolled through the computer, Max and Julie stood on each side of him and as they scanned what was said on the screen, their eyes widened, there was a news report about a fire that broke out at the institution, 5 victims had already died while the others escaped. There was speculation of the fire starting close to doctor Browns room. Investigation was still going on and doctor Brown as well as others were nowhere to be found, rumours were that he may have escaped and left dead bodies or he himself was dead somewhere.

" shit, he got out" Julie uneasily took a seat.

" oh God, he's going to-"

"over my dead body" Max stomped out of the office being followed by Austin and Julie.

" where ... what are you going to do?" Julie asked as she rushed after him, trying to keep up but didn't get far long because he stopped and spun around, resulting to her almost running into him.

" oh no, Max don't -"

" I have no choice, I cant just sit and wait for the police to come back with dead bodies." Julie flinched.

" How serious is this situation with this Brown dude?" Austin asked.

" Deadly-" Max responded matter-of-factly.

Instead of running scared, Austin surprised both of them when he took out his phone from his back pocket. He started paging through it and then after a bit he looked at them as he asked." location?"

Julie and Max passed looks at each other before they answered in unison" Paradise Island"

" basically the whole gang" Julie muttered , resulting to Austin's eyes furrowing a bit before his jaw clenched.

" I'm coming with you" he said.

" no, I cant have you two at harms way, already one and her friends are" Max argued.

" I've known that gang for quite a long time and even though it's none of your business, I have my own selfish reasons for going there"

"okay, fine"

" but you will have to give me all the glory details on our way, just something to look forward to" Max nodded at this and Austin didn't say anymore but headed towards Max's truck and entered into the passenger seat, then got busy on his phone. As Julie was about to follow suit, Max stopped her.

" no" he said sternly.

" but Max-"

" I know you want to save the day and I appreciate your heart but I cant have another person I care about hurt, okay" he said as he reached out his hand and touched her cheek lightly, wiping a single tear running down her cheek. She took in a deep breath and nodded in understanding. He then leaned forward and kissed her forehead and she closed her eyes at the contact. she opened her eyes to watch him get in his car, but then she called out to him where he pulled down the window.

" please find her " she pleaded.

" even if I have to search the entire Island" he stated.

when they felt like nothing was left to be said, she backed away and let him speed off.

There was already a few cars in her driveway as she pulled over, the front door burst open and her sister rushed out, looking ever beautiful with a mixture of relief and fear evident on her face.

" she's here!" Alexis shouted and Julie got out of the car immediately , and rushed inside the house where she was immediately taken in a bear hug by her dad who had followed Alexis. She looked over her mom's shoulder to see the detective who had once dealt with Kate's case, he was like Kate's guardian angel back then and now he was back, looking ever threatening. Her mom released her that's when she noticed her mom's red stricken face and her dad etched with concern.

She didn't have to ask what had been wrong because she already knew.

" honey, Kate-" her mom couldn't even form the right words between her sobs.

" I know" she said quickly.

" What?" they all asked in unison.

Julie took a deep breath as she braced herself for what she was about to say.

" everyone , I have something to tell you, but Ill need for you to sit down"


okay guys, now starting from the next chapter...the fun for me really begins, just know that I'm not quite experienced or know much for my fighting scenes, so I ask for forgiveness for that part. But as for the other parts, it's about to get bloody.

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