Chapter 28[Editing]

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She heard banging and then a big slam of the door, and like a dream, she saw him kneeling down before her, taking her in his arms.

'' oh my god , I thought I'd never see you again'', Nick said as he tightened his hold on her and kissed her whole face.

''Nick -'' she never got to finish her sentence when Nick glanced at her arms, having a good look at the damaged that had been done to her.

''What the ....he did this to you?'' he asked through gritted teeth.

''he made you like this, come on?'' he pulled her up right then picked her up, carrying her out of that room.

''you're bleeding '' Kate exclaimed as she got a good look at him, him wincing a bit at the slightest touch on his arms.

''I'll be fine, i just need to get you out of here'' he said, brushing her concerns off while waling through the dimly lit hallway.

"How did you find me?"

" would you believe me if I said that it was because of our strong bond, it was impossible not to?" a small smile grazed came upon her.

Her head laid on his shoulder, inhaling his scent and finding comfort in bring in his arms, suddenly the beautiful moment was broken when a quick shove from behind Nick, caused the both of them to crash on the floor with Nick landing on top of her. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of the last person she wanted to see over Nick's shoulder, Nick saw him too and quickly murmured a few words in her ear."run when I tell you to" Though hearing those words, her panicked mind was elsewhere.

In one motion, Nick got up and rushed to him but was unlucky when Dr Brown moved aside, causing Nick to go flying against the wall. Nick rose to his feet and smacked him from behind, earning an advantage when that action caused Dr Brown to fall. while Nick got on top of him, landing punch after punch, he called for a struggling Kate.

"Kate go now!"

"no, i am not leaving here without you, lets go!" she argued, earning a bit of his attention as he was about to protest, this proved to be a mistake when he was quickly shoved off and in a blink of an eye, Dr Brown stabbed him from behind causing Nick to cry out in pain.

"Kate " Nick whimpered as blood spurred from his mouth.

Dr Brown pressed the weapon deep into his back and had Kate watch as her fiance's life being taken, before her eyes, Nick collapsed on the floor, his eyes never leaving hers, she sobbed while being taken and thrown on Dr Browns shoulder.

"Nick !" she screamed and her screams echoed through out the hall while disappearing deep in the dark.

Everything was intense as each one of them were looking for the perfect weapon to defend themselves, only sounds of appliances and furniture being moved around echoed in the house, Max had decided that he had had enough and rushed out to look for Kate, even after the others begged him to stay, since he was stubborn, he went ahead , leaving Austin and Danny to protect the girls.

"This is so messed up" Danny said while he stood by the kitchen door.

"I never thought I'd actually see a dead body." Anna said.

"that makes two of us"Maddie added.

"Stacey saved my life, only for hers to be taken in return" Anna muttered.

"believe it or not, she cared about you guys, though she had a funny way of showing it sometimes"Danny said.

"well I....Danny!" she exclaimed when she caught glimpse of the Shade behind Danny, who before he could turn around was shot with an axe on his head, in the moment of witnessing their friend being murdered, the three of them ran out of the kitchen and headed up stairs. Austin almost tripped on his feet when he glanced over his shoulder , seeing Shade right behind them, running to an open room and locking it, he closed his eyes for a few seconds, just to calm his rapid beating heart.

"we've got to get out of here" Maddie whispered yelled to Anna.

The door began making sounds , indicating that someone was trying to get in, without thinking Anna threw a lamp against the window, smashing it and creating an open for them, mean while the door hinges were becoming loose , little by little. Anna not wasting anytime, began making her way out of the window, cutting her ankle in the process by sharp glass she had not noticed, when it was Maddie's turn, her chances were proven slim when the door suddenly burst open, Shade in the blink of an eye, had Maddie's head tilted backwards, earning a cry from from Maddie.

"no ! -" Anna sobbed as she watched Shade in swift movement , cut through Maddie's throat with his machete, like the predator slaying his prey, Shade's eyes never left Anna's eyes, with a daring glint of what was to come of her, if he got a hold of her, shoving Maddie off of him, and getting ready for his next move, Anna got to action by moving away from the scene and carefully moving about on the roof. Glancing back at the window, she saw that he was in fact gone.

On the next window , he saw the next room burning and a sigh of relief washed over her when she saw Austin, making his way out the next window.

"you okay?" Austin asked as he carefully made his way to her.


"Maddie?" he asked and when he noticed her shake her head, he looked down .

"it's burning" Anna murmured.

Austin too looked at the window, and just as he was about to say something, the room exploded, shoving them off the roof with a great impact.


Oh no!

I feel so sad , Nick's and Kate's love story ended just like that, so sad but not all love stories can end in a happy ending when there is a psycho on the loose.

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