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A young, raven haired boy walked aimlessly on a train track. Just like every other day, he continued to wander aimlessly. Running from a life. A life he had always been forced into. In and out of private schools, being groomed to marry a rich, pretty girl and take over his fathers company was be the bain of his existence. A great many impending issues occurred when he was forced down that narrow path. Private schools were problematic for him mainly because he dreamt when he should a been studying. Dazed thoughts bombarded his subconscious, "what lies beyond these walls that are so heavily blanketed in conceited ivy?"
"Why can't guys wear skirts?" Any thought about being caged had crossed his mind. All he could think of was leaving. So one day he was in class and there was an annoying boy behind him taunting him by mumbling homosexual slurs at him. "No wonder the faggot can't learn good. Probably too busy trying to hide his boner for Chris" Chris was the boy who sat in front of the black haired boy. The boy admittedly had a man crush on Chris but he had hoped no one could see through him so easily. But it was rather apparent at this point that the boy with turquoise eyes had t been so stealthy. Stomping both his feet on the ground and banging his fist on the desk whilst riding out of his seat gave shock to the others in the room. He turned around with rage boiling up inside his body until it practically spilled out of his ears. "I. Am. Done. Fuck you" he pointed to the boy behind him who had been saying the despicable things. "As a matter of fact fuck all of you. You can kiss my fucking ass. You guys can sit here and hide behind your wealth and plastic smiles but not me. I. Am. Done." He had yelled so loudly that every head in the room faced him. He ripped the Starbucks from the hand of the girl beside him and threw in on the ground with malice. Grabbing his book bag, he marched towards the door. "MR LESTER I DEMAND YOU SIT DOWN IMMEDIATELY" he heard the words as he walked out the door. He walked backwards back into the classroom and calmly said "misses Pachuli. You can go choke on a big black dick. Have a lovely fucking day. Goodbye bitch"
He walked out then waned back in
"AND ONE MORE THING. It would be fucking dandy if you would actually teach us biology instead of constantly ranting about your husband who cheated on you because literally no one here gives a fuck about YOU OR ME and the sooner you learn that no one cares about you the easier it is to accept that all any of you here will ever do is fake your way through life and pretend to be happy and cower behind your body guards and eventually you will all die and you will never have had a personality for anyone to live and no one. Will. Turn. Up. To. Your. Funerals because they are too busy paying people to do their dirty work and gossiping about how they never like you anyways. THANK YOU AND GOODBYE"
He had snapped
Actually that had happened long ago but he had been containing these thoughts in a cage of his cranium. Well the cage had a weak spot and it was homophobia. The kid behind him had kit that spot hard and the cage had burst open allowing the contents to burst out and flood through his mouth. This was a long time in the making. He walked out of the classroom and the faster his mind raced the faster his legs raced the faster his heart raced. Within seconds he was sprinting down those hallowed halls; memories replaying as he passed by the monuments of his mind. The water fountain where bullies had nearly drowned him. Then the principles office where he was sent for making his civics project about oppression of LGBT. Then the ballroom where his father slapped him in front of everyone at homecoming for not wanting to dance with a girl. All the memories replayed over and over. He ran faster. His legs never tired as they were duped by malice. He burst through the front doors of the school and ran down the first road he saw. This was the first path he had ever chosen for himself both metaphorically and literally.
He kept running;
never looked back.
His only possession was his red pack
Throwing his books out of the sack
He kept on sprinting
A smile he did crack
A thought found his mind
Free at last

An: thanks sm for reading guys I really appreciate it! Also just know you're valid and loved and that shirt looks noice on u :) have a lovely day

* Lost Boys  ~ Dan/Howell • Phil/Lester *Where stories live. Discover now