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Greetings my glitches!

This is what, my now seventh Undertale AU fanfiction? Or my fifth, based on the ones that I've published.

So once again this one is going to be a bit more intense than my other ones because of the general themes, hence the name, and some of the conversations that go on between characters. This one will be a switching perspectives book, which is rare for a first book, but it will be. So please do pay attention because that will happen.

As per most of my Undertale AU fanfictions, there will be changes made to the characters, plotline and etcetera.

There will be themed music for each chapter and there may or may not be ties into my other on going series because I pulled a Marvel. But no promises.

So yeah, just be warned, this one will be a bit more intense but I try to keep this all ages friendly because, well, I don't like to exclude age groups. But there will be some mature subject matter and if you are religious, maybe also tread with caution because I'm sure that the mention of Gods of Death and Gods of Life may be a bit, um. . . Conflicting? With certain religions?

I don't know if that's true or if anyone even cares, but I just wanted to get that out there.

If you're still there and you still want to read this book, I'll be updating every Sunday and or Monday. If I don't get it out then, I would be getting out as soon as possible, because updating a story late gives me some anxiety.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy this book! And remember to stay glitchy my glitches, because those imperfections are beautiful!

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