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When Harry realised that to him, it wasn't 'Malfoy' in his head anymore, but 'Draco', he freaked. Malfoy was safe, it was leaving before the other woke up, steamy nights every once in a while, locking eyes at ministry events and conveniently leaving at the same time.
Malfoy was cold mornings, grab-your-stuff-and-go, Harry's breath visible when he landed outside his front door after apparating.
But Draco? Draco was "Cup of tea, love?" At 8 in the morning, after waking up in the others arms, it was commitment, walks around the park on a Sunday morning in February. Draco was living together, Christmas morning in front of the fire and holding hands in public.
Public; That's what 'Draco' meant.
Calling Malfoy 'Draco' was invoking a relationship, it meant actually being bent.

Harry was watching Draco sleep. Creepy, admittedly, but the boy was so perfect. His fox-like features were pointed and delicate, his hair was curled and thick, but not unruly like Harry's. A faint six pack lurked beneath creamy pale skin and his lips were like a rosebud. Not to mention, that arse was phenomenal. Then the grey eyes opened, misty from sleep and the sheer Draco-ness hit him hard. Harry had really fallen for this man, his childhood enemy, no less. This was what Harry wanted to see every morning for the rest of his life.

"Harry?" Draco whispered, stretching, long legs revealing themselves from the duvet, "you're still here?"
"Yeah." Harry said, crooked smile appearing momentarily. "Draco?" The name felt right in his mouth.
"Hmm?" The other man said, nose wrinkling.
" I think I love you."
Draco looked up then, silver eyes quickly filling with tears, he sat up and threw his arms around Harry's neck and sobbed into the warm skin of his shoulder.
"That bad, eh?" Harry joked, only now realising the tears on his own cheeks.
"No! Not bad at all, it's perfect. I love you, too Harry Potter, so much, I love you!"

That was four years ago.

Now, when Harry retold the story at their wedding, tears emerged from his eyes once again, and when he turned To his now-husband, Draco Malfoy-Potter, and the blond man grasped his hand tightly, he saw them making tracks down his cheeks as well.

Kingsley Shacklebolt knocked on the door of 12 Grimmauld Place 6 months after the wedding, and Draco knew this was not going to be good.
"Draco, Harry's had an accident in the field, he's at St Mungo's now." The Minister for Magic said, not meeting Draco's eyes. The Slytherin was gone with an apparition crack in seconds.
He burst through the double doors to Harry's ward, Ron was sat on a chair outside room number 250.
"What happened?" Draco's voice cracked, eyes wide and terrified.
"Riots in Newcastle on the new Budget for Transport of Magical goods. Hit by a Sectumsempra from behind. They think he'll be ok, I apparated him here straight away and they got the counter curse in quickly." The Weasley said, running a hand through his ginger hair, "you can go in, Hermione's there now." Draco only nodded and went in.
"Draco! He's going to be fine, he'll wake up soon, don't worry." The bright witch stood up as he entered the room.
"He will bloody wake up soon and he'll wish he fucking didn't. The stupid git! I told him this job's too dangerous but his bloody Hero Complex always wins!" Draco whispered, eyes flashing. Hermione laughed slightly, and then stopped when Harry groaned.
"Potter!" Draco said, "you bloody Git! If you think I'm ever letting you go back to that bloody job you can think again! A Sectumsempra of all things! What were you thinking, was no one guarding your back?!"
"Sorry, Draco." Harry said, looking away sheepishly .
"Harry, I was so worried!" The blond cried, feeling tears emerge from his eyes, and grabbing Harry's calloused hand, "When Kingsley appeared at the door I though he was going to tell me you were- you were dead!"
"Hey, hey Draco, I'm fine! I'll be a bit sore for a while but I'm ok! And if you want, I'll jack my job in. Neville offered me a job teaching Defence at Hogwarts a few weeks ago, I'll go and do that ok? Promise." He said, squeezing Draco's cold hand.
So, after 6 weeks of recuperation, Harry found himself on Platform 9 & 3/4, of all places, with Draco, the Potions master of 3 years, about to go and teach DADA, about to board the teachers carriage of the Hogwarts express.
They arrived in Hogsmeade after a journey Harry never thought he'd make again, they'd apparate next time, but the doctors said he was still too weak for long-distance apparation.
He opened the entrance doors, squeezed Draco's hand and walked in; it was perfect, he was back at Hogwarts with Draco. He was home.

Hi guys, I don't know if I like the ending of this story too much but I've got quite a few of these one shots in the works and can't seem to finish any!
I was wondering what you guys would think of a oneshot in a universe of a different story, like Divergent or the Hunger Games, Maze Runner etc. Tell me what you think!!
E xx

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