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"I love you. Be safe." Harry yelled over his shoulder, running in the opposite direction to his boyfriend.

"I love you too!" Draco called back, but he didn't think Harry could hear him over the sound of the battle raging all around them. Turning, he ran up the stairs behind him towards the room of requirement, looking for the diadem Harry told him he needed to get.

Pacing back and forth next to the brick wall holding the room he so needed to get into, Draco willed the door to appear faster. He could hear the sounds of the battle even four flights up from the highest fighters. The door appeared, and he heaved it open, stepping into the darkened room. Walking up the cleared path, He spotted a glint of silver near the bottom of a pile. Running over to it, he reached out a quivering hand and snatched it, a few other items falling down and making a crash that probably wasn't loud but sounded it in the deafening silence. The item in his hand thrummed with magical energy, the blue stones glinting just a bit too bright. Suddenly, he heard the heavy doors bang open and  a few sets of footsteps walking fast towards him. Zabini, Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle flew around the corner, skidding to a halt when they saw Draco, clutching the diadem in one hand and his wand in the other.

"Well, well, well," Parkinson sneered, "Look who we have here, Blaise!" Her sleeves were rolled up, revealing the dark mark, stark against her pale skin.

"Draco!" Blaise called, voice high in mock welcoming, "How we've missed you!"

"Where's Potter?" Pansy screeched, adrenaline hyping her up and making her voice even shriller than normal, "Not here to protect you?" Crabbe and Goyle chuckled behind her. Draco's hand clenched around his wand.

"Piss off, Parkinson," He mumbled, attempting to feign confidence, and failing.

"What was that?" The dark-haired girl said, curtly, bangs swinging as she turned from Blaise to Draco and back again.

"Think he insulted you, Pans." Crabbe grunted, "I'll have to do something about that won't I?" Crabbe lifted his wand and shouted a curse Draco had never heard before; fire burst from his wand and flew over Draco's head, the pile of ancient artefacts bursting into angry flames, spreading fast.

"You idiot!" Draco yelled, "You'll kill us all!" He took off at a run, pushed Zabini to the side and heading towards the door. The group of his fellow Slytherins followed a few paces behind him, Wanda drawn but now casting any spells, to busy running from the raging fire to register that their enemy literally had his back to them.

As they neared the doors, Pansy tripped and the others stopped to haul her up and drag her along, causing the gap between them and Draco to widen. Seeing Draco was about to reach the door, and the flames were catching up to them quickly, Blaise pointed his wand at the blond's back.

"Avada Kedavra!" He hollered, sickly green light bursting from his wand and hitting Draco square in the back. The curse knocked him forward and he flew out of the room, diadem flying from his hand into the fire. The heavy doors slammed shut behind him, trapping Blaise and the others in the burning room. Draco's body hit the floor with a thud.

Harry hadn't seen Draco in the crowd when he'd fought Voldemort, and a sickly feeling of dread had settled in his stomach. He'd ignored it and done what he had to, barely even stopping to look when the body of his lifetime enemy had settled on the ground, only running back towards the castle to look for Draco, closely followed by Ron and Hermione.

"Harry!" Hermione shouted as she caught up to him, grabbing him by the wrist and turning him around, "What are you doing?"

"Where's Draco?" Harry said, frantic, "I need to find him!"

"Harry, I don't know where he is." Hermione whispered, broken voice giving away her suspicions even if she didn't say them aloud.

"Well we need to find him!"

"We will mate, don't worry." Ron said, clasping Harry by the shoulder. They set off together, calling Draco's name as they searched every floor of the castle. As they reached the top of the stairs on the seventh floor, the sour smell of smoke hit the back of Harry's throat, and the awful feeling that had been laying patiently in the pit of his stomach awoke and leapt up to his chest. Running towards the tapestry which marked the entrance to the room of requirements and saw a head of white-blond hair laying unmoving on the ground. Harry let out a broken wail and fell to his knees beside Draco's body. Ron and Hermione skidded around the corner and saw their best friend next to the body of his partner. Hermione sobbed and threw her arms around Ron's warm neck as Harry did the same to Draco's cold one.

"That was quick."
Two years later, Harry woke to see Draco's smiling face above him. He sat up, nearly smacking his head against Draco's in his rush to kiss him.

"Oh my God, Draco I missed you so much." Harry cried.

"Clearly, Harry, you just drank poison to get up here with me, you idiot!" Draco drew back, face turning angry as he held Harry's face in his hands. He was wearing a pale grey suit, and his face looked healthy and young.

"Where are we?" Harry said, as Draco stood up and offered a hand to pull Harry after him.

"Call it what you will, The Afterlife, Nirvana, whatever. I think a muggle called it heaven the other day." Draco's nose crinkled in confusion, and Harry kissed it, making The blond giggle. "Your parents are here, too."

Harry gasped and looked behind Draco to see his parents smiling at him, Sirius, Remus and Fred just behind them.

"Oh my God," Harry breathed, running to hug each of them.

"We're proud of you, Darling." His mum said, eyes sparkling with tears, "You've done so well." His dad reached forward and ruffled his hair as Draco stepped up beside Harry and took his hand. Harry looked up at the face he had missed so much and smiled. It was going to be ok, now.

Helllooooo! This is yet another request, this time from @lapisskyla , thank you! I loved the idea but I don't know how well I've written it to be honest.
Also, thank you for 4K reads, guys! 💜
E xx

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