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Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini; the power couple of Hogwarts, or so Draco thought.

Harry watched, as down the other end of the 8th year table, as Zabini walked in wearing a Ravenclaw fucking tie, and managed to tell Draco that he picked up the wrong tie in the common room! Draco just nodded and kissed him, before grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the bench.

"Jesus, how more obvious is Zabini going to get?" Hermione breathed, toast in hand, looking concerned at her newfound friend and study partner, Draco.

"Question is," Ron said, mouth full of bacon, "how more clueless is Draco gonna get?"

Harry elbowed him, "Its not his fault! Zabini's got him completely brainwashed!" Harry stabbed his egg as he said the last word. He just wanted Draco to come to his senses and realize what Zabini was doing. Practically all of Hogwarts knew he was sleeping around whilst supposedly in a relationship with Draco. Everyone, that is, except for Draco; it had surprised everyone when it first started. Malfoy, the person who, before the war, knew everybody's secrets and wasn't scared to use them against them, was being so easily manipulated by his boyfriend!

Standing up and saying a rushed goodbye to Ron and Hermione, Harry went over towards the blond boy, now watching Zabini with a hurt look.  "Draco?" Harry called, putting a hand on his new friends shoulder, "Ready for Potions?"

"Oh, yes," Draco said hurriedly, kissing Zabini on the cheek, making Harry's stomach clench, "lets go, Harry." He hopped up and grabbed his bag.

"Draco?" Zabini said, raising an eyebrow, "I thought we were going to walk to our lessons together?" Draco looked crestfallen,

"Sorry, Blaise, of course, I just thought, seeing as Harry and I have potions in the Dungeons, and you have Charms on the 5th floor, so-"

"Draco. We will walk to our lessons together." Blaise commanded harshly.

"Yes, sorry," Draco mumbled, "Another day, Harry?" He said, turning to the Gryffindor with a sorry look on his face. Harry just smiled and nodded, walking out by himself; Draco watching him sadly.

A week later, Zabini turned up to dinner with his shirt buttoned wrong and his lips swollen. Harry stabbed his roast beef and glowered at the grain of the wooden table. Draco was sat only a few meters away from the trio of Gryffindors, and Harry could hear him greeting Zabini, nervous, as the other boy whispered something in a stern voice, with a vice-like grip on his shoulder. Draco nodded and went back to his dinner, eyes down.

"He'll come to his senses eventually, Harry." Hermione whispered, placing her hand over his, and glancing worriedly at Draco.

"Yeah, and then you can have him all to yourself," Ron grunted, "Honestly, Harry, you act like you've got a crush on him or something." A blush rose on Harry's cheeks, and he grabbed his bag, scrambling to get up.

"I've- um,- I've got to go- bye." Harry power walked out of the hall and up towards the 8th year dorms. Hermione smacked Ron lightly on the arm.

"God Ronald! Could you be anymore tactless!" she huffed, "It might be blaringly obvious to us, but he clearly hasn't come to terms with it yet!" Hermione slammed her book shut and stood up, swiftly following Harry out.

"Sorry," Ron mumbled, pushing his peas around his plate.

Draco yawned and closed his Potions book. Stretching, he looked at the clock above the fireplace to see it was just past midnight. He stood up and collected his things; he turning  and slowly walking up the wooden stairs.

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