three little words

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They were both too scared to say it.

Draco had only heard it once at home, his mother sobbing quietly as he lay, sweating in his bed, the dark mark painfully new on his wrist. She'd whispered it in his ear before leaving his room to go back downstairs to whatever dangers lay down there, to where he was, the one who'd done this to them.

Harry had only heard it from his friends. Hermione knew about the Dursleys, knew he must never have been told it before, so said it frequently, she'd hug him, and he'd have her bushy hair tickling her chin and she'd whisper it to him against his chest. Ron would grab him, tight on the biceps and say 'love you, mate' after a good quidditch match or a particularly bad nightmare, or after cleaning him up after he walked into the bathroom to find Harry pale, wrist covered in blood, chanting quietly, 'my fault, my fault'. 
They'd both said it when Harry said he was gay, suddenly very interested in his fingers, and they'd said it again when harry told them about Draco, but this time the fingers he was interested in weren't his, they were long and pale and intertwined with his own dark calloused ones.

They both knew it was true, they loved each other. Harry heard it in Draco's warm breath on his neck when he bent down to hug him; Draco heard it in Harry's laughter, when his head of messy hair was in his lap on the sofa in the eighth year common room, the leather one, by the fire because Draco was always, always cold.

When it came to it, they both said it at the same time. Draco's fingers, (the ones Harry played with in the evenings at their flat, tried to warm them up, they were like ice blocks half the time,) closed around the snitch at the final game of the season, Norwich Nifflers v Puddlemere United. As the red fireworks exploded into the air to signal Puddlemere's win, and the announcer shouted 'And Malfoy catches the snitch! Puddlemere United are top of the league for the first time in 5 years!', the two seekers locked eyes and flew, fast towards each other. Their mouths collided, tongues danced, warm lips moved in sync, and as they pulled back both of them whispered, at almost exactly the same time, (in the future, Draco would always say he said it first, and Harry let him, he didn't mind,)
"I love you," Both sets of eyes widened and both men began to laugh and they were kissing again, kissing, kissing, kissing...

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