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Draco could feel it. There was or someone that he needed; and they were close. He couldn't focus on the conversation at dinner, with Blaise and Pansy arguing over something stupid.

He knew he was a Veela, and a dominant at that, but he didn't know exactly what that meant. His father thought the Veela gene had fallen from the Malfoy family tree generations ago, but here it was, back in Draco. With his father in Azkaban and his mother on house arrest, Draco had no one to turn to. His eighteenth birthday had been and gone, with it his Veela inheritance, and he was ready for a mate.

Harry was curled up in bed, shaking, his wings had appeared and curled around him. Trying to burrow deeper into the covers, Harry whined in cold and that feeling that he somehow knew meant he needed a dominant. Across the room, he could distantly hear Hermione whisper-shouting at Ron about 'genes' and 'letting it run its course'.

"Hermione, he needs an dom! He's a Sub Veela, that won't 'run its course'" Ron replied curtly, "we need to get him to Pomfrey, or even better, her to him."

"You better go and get her then hadn't you, Ronald?" Hermione said, louder than they'd been speaking before; Harry heard Ron sigh and the door slam before he fell onto another fitful sleep.

Draco didn't think anything of the streak of red hair which ran past the dining hall at 5 o'clock, the Weasley clan was always wrecking havoc, but when it returned five minutes later, slightly slower and with Pomfrey by its side, going towards Gryffindor tower, he realised that whatever was going on was probably more interesting than he first thought. Mumbling a hurried excuse to his friends, Draco got up and hurried quietly after the nurse and Weasley.

"Veela..... submissive..... much more difficult than that of an Dominant" Draco could only hear snippets of the hushed conversation ahead of him, the two involved were so wrapped up in it they failed to notice him following.

"Shaking..... Hermione with him..... falling asleep" the Weasley's voice was shaking with worry, and Draco's ears were pricking up further each time he managed to decipher some speech.

Was this what he'd been waiting for? It sounded very much like there was a sub, waiting for him in the Gryffindor dorms. Speeding up, Draco slipped past them, head bowed, and slipped into the Gryffindor portrait hole after a large group of first years. When almost everyone in the common room looked up at him, Draco only sneered and kept going up the stairs.

The door reading '8th year boys' was locked, but with a simple 'Alohamora' Draco was in.

"Malfoy! What the hell are you doing?" Granger leapt up from a bed and glared incredulously at him, but Draco hardly noticed her. The bed she had been sitting on smelt so strongly of a sub, of what he needed, that Draco simply pushed her aside.
He pushed the covers back to reveal Potter, his now 'friend' (in the loose sense of the word, Potter insisted they had a truce after the war), shaking and whimpering in a pair of sweat soaked pyjama bottoms. Draco reached out a pale hand to Potter's clammy forehead, to find boiling heat, his wings springing up as soon as he touched the brunette.

As soon as Draco touched him, Potter stopped whimpering. "What the hell?" He could hear Granger saying quietly and Harry moved closer to him.

"It's ok, Potter," Draco mumbled putting his free hand around the other boy's neck and onto his shoulder, "I'm here now."

Suddenly, Weasley and Pomfrey burst in, and after a moment of shock, the Redhead began yelling at Draco. To his surprise, Granger began telling Weasley to stop.

"Mr Malfoy, as I hoped. I presumed you would have worked this out by now," Pomfrey was smiling at Draco, before turning to Ronald, "unfortunately now that Draco is here, I can do nothing to help Harry other than let his inheritance run its course." For some reason, Granger shot the Weasel a smug smile at this. Potters friends thanked the nurse, whilst Draco ran his hands through Potter's hair and tried to get him to stop shaking.

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