ice cream

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The bell above the ice cream parlour rang as Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy entered. Only a year after the war, these two were the most heavily reported couple in the Wizarding World. The first time they went out in public and Harry took Draco's hand, magazines and newspapers all across the world bore headlines about a Death Eater's son and the Chosen one's scandalous relationship. As the months ticked by and the two showed no sign of falling out of love, the media had eventually stopped attacking them and started weekly columns about their blossoming relationship.

All heads in the small cafe turned to them, before quickly turning away to whisper. Harry pulled out a chair a chair for Draco, who giggled as he sat down and Harry walked around the table to sit opposite him.

"Remind me why we're out in public again?" The blond whispered as the owner of the parlour hurriedly came to their table to give them menus. The two eighteen year olds thanked her before turning back to their conversation.

"Because, Draco," Harry said, smiling lopsidedly, "Its our 10 month anniversary and I wanted to do something nice."

"If your idea of nice is having an entire cafe stare at us and take pictures whilst we eat ice cream, then I think you've hit the nail on the head here, love." Draco said as Harry laughed and caught the waitress' eye, causing her to hurriedly stop what she was doing and power walk to their table, flipping her notebook open. Harry ordered them a sharing sundae and shot her a dazzling smile, causing Draco to roll his eyes.

Harry and Draco spoke quietly about the things they had to do to prepare their newly bought flat for when they finished eighth year in two weeks. In five minutes, their sundae was brought to the table, it was massive and Draco could feel the cooling charm on it from his seat. 

Harry picked up one of the long spoons and dug it into the chocolate ice cream, popping it his mouth and making a quiet sound of satisfaction, causing Draco to raise an eyebrow before tucking in himself.

Halfway through the ice cream, Draco was talking quickly about the colour scheme he wanted in the bathroom of their flat when he realised Harry was giggling and not concentrating. Draco stopped and his eyebrows knitted together.

"What are you laughing at?" He said, pointing at Harry with his spoon. Quickly, the brunette leant over the table and kissed him on the nose Draco blushed, mouth dropping open.

"Sorry, you had ice cream on your nose." Harry said, blushing too now as he heard cameras clicking behind him. He cleared his throat, "So, blue and white for the bathroom sounds good."

Draco raised an eyebrow, "Glad you agree." An affectionate smile spread across his face as a plan formed in his head. The next time he took a spoonful of ice cream, he made a wide gesture with his spoon and ever so lightly dabbed his nose again, smearing it with coconut ice cream. Within seconds, Harry was giggling again and leaning over to kiss it off.

Draco repeated his routine, getting ice cream on his cheek, his jaw, his nose, his forehead, Harry kissing it off each time.

Harry smirked as Draco, yet again, dabbed his ice cream spoon on his cheek with a lack of subtlety that Harry had previously thought only Ron possessed. Once again he leant to kiss it off, hearing cameras behind them but not particularly caring.

The next time Draco scooped out a spoonful of ice cream, Harry was surprised that he didn't 'accidentally' get some on his face; that was, until he dragged his spoon out of his mouth slowly and tapped it on his pale pink lips, leaving a smear of strawberry ice cream. Raising an an eyebrow and cocking his head, Harry leant over once more and kissed Draco, soft and sweet on the lips. After a few seconds, Draco giggled and broke the kiss, resting his forehead on Harry's and biting his lip.

"Are you done?" Harry said softly, a grin on his face that he couldn't make go away.

"Think so." Draco smirked, slapping some notes on the counter and taking Harry's hand. Dragging his boyfriend from the cafe, they both called a rushed 'thank you' to the waitress and apparated away.

Yet another request! This time from @abi_cate.  The last one was just a little bit heart breaking, so this one is heavily dosed with the fluff we were all needing! It's also very short but we'll just move on from that I think.
Thanks for reading!!
E x

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