all i need

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When Saturday came and Draco was stood on the platform waiting for his husband and his son to get off the train, he found himself humming that song he'd heard in the shop and smiling to himself.
The train doors opened and Scorpius appeared with Rose Granger-Weasley. The young boy, who was rather coincidentally the same white-blond as Draco, spotted his Dad and ran into his arms.
"Hello, Scorp. How was the term?" Draco asked him, affectionately.
"Great, dad. We're finally on top of the Quidditch Cup Table. Seasons not over yet though, so it might not turn out that way at the end of the year. " Scorpius told him quickly, eyes wide, and Draco chuckled, always Quidditch on this boy's brain, though that wasn't to far from he and Harry when they were 14.
"Ravenclaw? At the top, that never happened in my day. I suppose Slytherin did have the best seeker though."
"Second best," came Harry's deep voice from their left, and Draco turned around and pulled him into a tight hug, 'I love you''s, and 'I missed you''s lost in Harry's hair and Draco's chest. "And, now Ravenclaw has the best keeper. Isn't that right, Scorp?"
"Damn-fucking-right, Dad."
"Scorpius! Language!" Harry scolded, whilst Draco laughed, "that's my boy!"
"Don't encourage him, Draco!"
On Christmas Day, before they all went to the burrow Draco found that song in his head again.
"You don't have to say I love you to say I love you, forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons, we be making shades of purple out of red and blue, sickeningly sweet lime honey, don't need money, all I need is you." He sang to himself quietly, and turned to see Scorpius leaning on the doorframe, making him jump so hard he nearly dropped the large gift for Molly that he was levitating.
Scorpius had to wait a while to say what he wanted to because he was laughing so hard.
"Why're you singing that Muggle song, dad?" He said eventually.
"How do you know it?" Draco quizzed, eyebrows knitting together.
"There's a muggle-born boy in my dorm who found a charm that protects his muggle technology from going haywire when he brings it into Hogwarts. That's his like- favourite song."
"Fucking Ravenclaws" Draco mumbled, turning away.
"What was that, Dad?" Scorpius asked, eyebrow raised.
"Yeah what was that, Dad?" Harry said, appeared in the doorway, hair wet from the shower.
"I said, 'very clever ravenclaws'." Draco corrected, sneering at his husband.
"Yeah thought so."
"Anyway, Scorpius. Do you know what that song's called?" Draco changed the subject quickly.
"Yeah. I think it's 'for him' by some guy called Troye."
Draco nodded and made a mental note to steal Harry's muggle laptop and listen to it later.
They'd decided to give Scorpius his presents that morning but open the presents from each other at the burrow with everyone else. They watched Hermione open her set of Muggle Books that Draco knew she'd love, Ron his new broom, as Scorpius had managed to break his old one, Molly her casserole pot and Arthur his Muggle reading lamp which he and Hermione were currently hunched over. Harry had bought everyone else's presents, so Draco was uncertain as to what they were.
Quietly, Harry handed Draco a very small package. Draco slowly unwrapped it and opened a small, black box. Inside, was a ring, which Draco recognised as a signet ring.
"It's the Potter signet ring," Harry said quietly, everyone in the room listening. "It was in one of the Gringotts vaults that my dad left me. I know you can't wear the Malfoy one anymore after your parents kicked you out but- well,you're a Potter now aren't you? Besides, it's too small for my fat fingers so I thought maybe you'd like it." Harry was rambling, worried Draco wouldn't like it, would be upset that Harry was rubbing in his face that he wasn't allowed to call himself a Malfoy anymore.
Draco slowly slipped it onto his left middle finger. Next to his wedding ring, it looked perfect, like it had always been there. The gold contrasted his pale, slender fingers fantastically and Draco felt like crying. When he looked up at Harry, his eyes were glistening with tears, and he flung his arms around his husbands shoulders.
He kissed him, hard on the mouth and whispered- "All I need is you."
Scorpius threw a pillow at him. "What about me?"
Ron hit him lightly on the back of the head, "Way to ruin the moment, mate."

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