second task

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Oh fucking hell, Harry was going to kill Dumbledore for this!

Oh fucking hell, Ron was going to kill him!

At the bottom of the Black lake, surrounded by a group of Mermaids were Fleur's sister, Cho Chang, Hermione and Draco Malfoy. Pale hair floated in the murky water and his school robes fanned around him. His white eyelashes were brushing his cheekbones, and his face was relaxed, lacking the usual sneer reserved for Harry.

Harry kicked his legs and, although he knew exactly who was meant for him, he gingerly reached for Hermione's hand.

"No!" Came the guttural cry of a mermaid, "You can only take yours!"

Harry rolled his eyes and tried to get Cho, but was met with the same response. Accepting his fate, Harry took Malfoy's hand, and the ropes unwrapped from the blond's ankles. As Harry swam away, he was certain he saw a shark.

As he neared the surface, Harry felt the effects of the Gillyweed wearing off. He tightened his grip on Malfoy's wrist and yelled 'Ascendio!', pointing his wand upwards. As soon as the rival boys broke the surface, Malfoy regained consciousness.

"Are you ok?" Harry yelled above the cheers, grabbing Malfoy's waist to ensure he stayed afloat. The blonde smacked Harry's hand.

"Of course I'm ok, Potter, but you've got some explaining to do," he said, teeth chattering.

"Let's get warmed up first, eh?" Harry mumbled, and Draco nodded quickly.

After the task, Harry hurried to the castle, avoiding Draco. For the next 2 weeks, Draco desperately tried to talk to Harry, but the Gryffindor carried the Marauders Map and his invisibility cloak everywhere. In shared lessons, Harry sat as far from Draco as he could and hurried out before the blond could reach him.
On a Monday three weeks after the task, Harry saw the infamous shock of Blond in the corridor outside transfiguration, and reached into his bag to get his cloak only to realise he'd forgotten it. Shit. He put his head down and walked fast by Malfoy, not fast enough though.

"Potter! Potter!" Malfoy called, jumping up from where he was leaning against the wall with Blaise and Pansy and ran to Harry, expensive shoes clicking on the stone floor as he dodged first -years. Harry stated walking faster and tried to hide behind a particularly tall seventh-year, unsuccessfully. Malfoy grabbed his arm and spun him around.

"You can't avoid me forever, Potter."

"I can try," Harry mumbled, and Draco rolled his eyes.

"Why was I at the bottom of the lake? Am I what you'd miss the most?" Draco tightened his grip on Harry's arm. 

"I'm not doing this here, Malfoy," Harry said pointedly, throwing a glare towards the obviously-eavesdropping Zabini and Parkinson.

"Fine," Malfoy said, and Dragged Harry into an empty classroom, "You can do it here then."

"Malfoy, I'm sure you can figure out why you were at the bottom of the lake. Everyone else has, Skeeter's had a bloody field week." Harry said, blush rising in his cheeks and eyes trained on the floor.

"Potter, if you-have a... if you have a crush-"

"Nope. This is not happening." Harry said, turning and going to walk out of the door before Draco grabbed him again.

"No, this is happening Potter. You've been avoiding me for three weeks! I deserve to know what's going on!" Draco silver eyes were flashing and he was talking at a rate of knots, "what I was saying is, if you have a crush on me Potter, you don't have to worry."

"Don't have to worry!?" Harry yelled suddenly, "Oh yes Malfoy, I'm sure I can trust you to keep this secret! As soon as you leave this room you'll go off and tell your little cronies! Yes Malfoy, I have a crush on you, are you happy now?" Harry's voice was shaking and angry tears were begging to fall from his eyes.

"Potter! Would you listen to me? I'm trying to say that you don't have to worry because, well, the feeling's mutual." Draco mumbled the last bit, eyes down.

Harry was shocked, "You do?" He whispered, reaching tentative fingers towards Draco's shoulder.

"Yeah." Draco looked like he was going to cry now.

Harry abruptly pulled the taller boy into his arms, his head under Draco's chin and ear to his chest, listening to the rapid heartbeat under the designer shirt. Draco pulled away gently, before easing Harry's chin up and softly kissing him.

"I'd miss you most, Draco," Harry whispered breathlessly when the kiss was over.

Ok ok ok this is suuuuuuper short and I'm vvv sorry but idealised I haven't posted in aggessss so I thought I'd better finish this draft chapter!
Anyway.... OMG guys I have 600+ reads on this! I never thought I'd even get 100!! Thank you sososo much!!
Also, again, I would be so grateful if you followed my tumblr, Dracopctter7 ! Thank you!!!
E xx

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