meeting again

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When Harry saw the head of white-blond hair across the street in Diagon Alley, the air left his lungs. This was who he'd been thinking of ever since he signed those divorce papers with Ginny.

He'd barely seen the kids since, he'd owled Ginny but got no reply, Ron wasn't talking to him and Hermione hadn't turned up to their standing coffee 'date' this Wednesday. He hardly left the bakery he owned, (turned out cooking all those years for the Dursleys had paid off.) and all he thought about was Draco. The pointed face, elegant stride, proud poise, slender fingers which cut up potions ingredients effortlessly.

"Malfoy!" Harry called, feet carrying him clumsily across the cobbles, "wait!"

Draco turned and raised an eyebrow. Harry stopped in his tracks. Draco had a black waistcoat over a crisp white shirt and rather tight fitting trousers, finished with the most expensive-looking shoes Harry had ever seen. His hair was different, short on the sides and gelled up instead of back, like the muggle hairstyles he saw when he went into muggle London every now and then. His face had softened slightly, so he now looked not quite as pointy, more plain fucking hot.

Harry suddenly felt self conscious in his Gryffindor hoodie and ripped jeans.

"Potter..." Draco drawled questioningly, his voice lower than at school (obviously, Harry thought.)

"I- sorry I just haven't seen you for a while and- I - well I'm-" Harry stuttered, blushing.

"Scared, Potter?" Draco smirked, "you're not  expecting me to hex you in the middle of the busiest Wizarding street in England are you?"

"You wish, Malfoy. Of course I don't think you'll hex me, we're adults now, would have thought you'd go for something more mature, like slip a potion into my cake mixture when I have my back turned."

"Cake mixture?" Draco asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Why of course, I'm a baker now, haven't you heard?" Harry grinned.

"No, I hadn't. I thought you'd be an Auror, save a few more lives, you know hero complex and all."

Harry scowled jokingly, before going back to his large, goofy grin. "Well, I don't know about an Auror, but my chocolate cake could definitely save a few lives."

"Hmm.." Draco hummed, "well, I suppose you've fattened the Weaslette up with this life-saving chocolate cake, then?"

"Ginny? We're- uh- not exactly together anymore. I'm- well- I'm Gay." Harry admitted.

"Wow. You? Everyone knows I'm queerer that a three-Knut-coin, but the Boy Wonder? The prophet would have a field day." Draco smirked, and licked his lips, Harry's cheeks went pink when he did that.

"Well yes. Me." Harry said, regaining composure, "We can discuss it more over some of my chocolate cake if you'd like? Come to the bakery?"

Draco raised his eyebrows again. "Are you asking me out, Potter?"

"Well- yes, Malfoy. I am." Harry's stomach churned and he began to feel quite sick.

Draco seemed to think about if for a while. "Fine," he offered Harry his arm, which Harry looked at like it was Polyjuice Potion made from Umbridge's upper-lip hair, "Come on then, Potter, apparate us! I don't know where your damned Bakery is, do I?"

So Harry did.

Harry was sure that Draco really didn't have to make those noises about Chocolate cake, (he knew he made good cake but he was sure Draco was just Trying to give him a hard-on.) and he was positive that Draco honestly didn't have to slide his fork out of his mouth That slowly, either.

"Christ, Potter, where on earth did you learn to bake like this!?" Draco practically moaned.

"Well, I- I did most of the cooking when I lived with those muggles. They didn't exactly like the fact that I'm a wizard." Harry confessed, seemingly to his coffee, as he refused to looks Draco in the eye.

Malfoy looked up, and realised what Harry was getting at, and let it slide as he clearly didn't want to talk about it right now.

"Well, they might not have been good to you, but they've been fantastic for the Magic Folk of England if they're responsible for your baking and in turn this frankly superb cake. Honestly, Potter, it's orgasmic!"

Ok, he was definitely trying to give Harry a hard-on.

Potter licked his lips. He looked up from his coffee again, and Draco was watching him, his cheeks had gone red now. He quickly picked his plate up and placed it on the part of the counter where a sign hung saying 'DIRTY PLATES.'

As he walked across the bakery, Harry was certain he was swaying his hips much more than was necessary. Harry himself stood up suddenly , feeling rather reckless after all the teasing, and approached Draco fast, he put his hands on the Blond's shoulders, quickly pushed him against the counter and kissed him, hard.

Needless to say, When Hermione came into the bakery to apologise to Harry for missing Wednesday, she got quite the surprise when she came in to find her best friend snogging their childhood enemy against the counter in the empty shop. She squealed in surprise and Harry jumped back from Draco.

"Hello Granger. Potter, what are you doing, why'd you stop?" Malfoy addressed Hermione far too casually for the situation. Harry was bright red.

"I think you know exactly why I stopped, Malfoy." Potter scowled, and turned to Hermione. "Hi, Mione." He mumbled.

"Granger, why are you grinning like that?"

"Oh no reason, just- well Seamus owes me a lot of money. I can't wait to see Pansy at work on Monday, she'll love this."

Harry groaned, and Malfoy grinned.

Hello! I just posted this on my tumblr, (dracopctter7 ) and was quite proud of it, so I'm putting it on here as well.  Also,,,, I already have over 200 reads!! Thank you guys so much!!!!!! Xx
E x

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