chapter two

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His body became aware that he was in fact still underwater. His head shook and soon his eyes opened and he began to scream.

Stefan was drowning again, for the millionth time. He's been doing this for weeks, maybe even months. He thought his friends would have found him by now, but he thought wrong.

He pushed all the air out of his lungs and breathed in the water. He wanted to drown quicker so he could have a few more minutes of peace in the darkness of death.

Today was different. In his dream world, his friends were there. But this time, she was there. Cordelia. An older name no doubt.

Never had he met a stranger in his dream world. He was very confused to why she was there. He'd never seen her before. Never in his life. Definitely not when he was a ripper.

Soon he died, bringing him back to his dream world.


Stefan woke up in the Grill this time. But it was empty. He assumed he'd see Jeremy, maybe even Matt. But no one was here.

"OK! What the hell is going on?!" A voice exclaimed and the employee door was swung open and Cordelia came into the room.

"Welcome back." Stefan said, a little sarcasm surfacing. He couldn't help it.

"One minute I'm on my way to a friends, the next I can't breath and I pass out and I'm here with you." She explains, taking a seat next to him.

"Take a second to breath." Stefan suggested.

She did, with her eyes closed. "I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated. This has been happening for weeks but it's just getting worse." She apologized.

This caught Stefan's attention. "For weeks?"

Cordelia nodded. "I'm guessing the same has been happening to you. That's why this is your 'distraction'"

Stefan nodded. "I'm drowning."

Cordelia's eyes went wide. "Drowning!?" She exclaimed.

"I'm a vampire, so I keep resurrecting every few minutes, sometimes an hour or so. I was put in a vault by my doppëlganger." Stefan confessed.

"Me too. Well, not the whole doppëlganger and drowning thing, but the vampire thing, yeah. I'm a vampire." Cordelia rambled.

Stefan chucked. "So, Cordelia, what do you do for a living?"

Cordelia said nothing. "Well if we're both getting pulled to this place everytime I die might as well make the most of it."

He made a good point. Cordelia gave in. "I'm a waitress at a restaurant. Crappy but good enough pay to keep me under a roof."

"I'm still unfortunately a high school student." Cordelia laughed. Stefan smiled. He liked her laugh.

"Wow, how many times have you had to move?" Cordelia said through her laughter.

"Many times. I came back for a girl." Stefan admitted.

This intrigued Cordelia. "I'm guessing you and this girl are together." Stefan shrugged.

"It's complicated."

"Isn't always?"


Once again, Stefan resurfaced to his watery grave, but this time, he took time to think. If this girl was going to be there everytime he died, they must be connected somehow. Was he cursed? Did a witch cast some spell?

All he knew was that he wasn't alone anymore. At least hopefully during the time between death and slowly coming back to life.

Stefan let his air out, as painful as it was to do so, and went back into his dream world, ready to continue speaking with Cordelia. She was entertaining.


Now driving in his little red car, Stefan spotted Cordelia standing in the streets, clearly confused. He honked the horn, catching her attention.

"This is awesome! This is yours?" She exclaimed, her hands on the roof of the car and looking through the window at Stefan.

He nodded. "Get in."

Cordelia did, putting the seat belt on and Stefan drove off. Down the streets of Mystic Falls where it was still quiet.

"Is this how it's always going to be? A different place everytime?" Cordelia wondered aloud.

"I guess. It's been like that since it first started with me. I don't mind though, it's always in Mystic Falls." Stefan continued to drive, showing Cordelia the town.

"Do you have any siblings?" Cordelia asked.

"A brother. What about you?"

"Only child." Cordelia replied.

"How long have you been a vampire?" She asked.

"167 years." Stefan answered.

"Wow. Not what I expected." Stefan laughed.

"What about you?"

"Take a guess." Cordelia smirked.

"200 years or less." Stefan took the wild guess.

She laughed. "Only a few years."

"Really?" Stefan was surprised.

"I was named after my great grandmother. My name probably threw you off right?" Cordelia guess correct. Stefan nodded.

"Well, you learn something new everyday."


And back he was. Even thought it last a few minutes, he was beginning to like the dream state even more. Or whatever it was. The void between life and death.

Cordelia was time consuming. He was finding time went by faster when he was talking with someone.

With his friends and now Cordelia.


Their short chapters. Maybe I'll keep it thay way so this story extends longer. I'm trying to make it as slow burn as I can. They're going to be really good friends before something happens I believe. Maybe haha.

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