chapter twelve

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Stefan stared at the darkness above him, breathing in the water slowly. He had no more will. He hadn't seen Cordelia in weeks. It was torture.

He wanted to breathe. He wanted the sun, to be warm, to be dry, to get out of this never ending cycle of death. He wanted to see his friends and family. He wanted to find Cordelia.

It was as of some miracle, his prayers had been answered. The safe wad tilting. Stefan could feel himself being stood upwards.

It took time, but soon Stefan felt the water rush past him slowly. When his head emerged, he couldn't breathe. There was hardly any oxygen in the safe.

He finally felt gravity, but he felt like jello from being semerged in water for months. He wanted to fall to his knees, but there was no room.

He was wet, he felt his clothes clinging to his clothes. They stuck to him like glue and he wanted nothing more to get them off.

Suddenly the safe tilted back and hit hard ground. Stefan pressed his hands around the safe, then banging hard against it. The power of his strength made dents in the metal.

There was banging, there was prying and soon, the blinding light of the sun was in Stefan eyes. The first breath of life was something Stefan couldn't fathom.

He gasped, sucking in all the air his damaged, watered down lungs could take. He had never been so needy for air and light in his entire life.

He felt back into the safe, letting his heart slow down and his eyes adjust. The light died down so he could finally see the trees. Feel the wind. Feel the warmth of the sun.

He was finally feeling warmth. No more cold. But it was then his senses began to work. He heard and smelt the flow of blood, like it was right in front of him.

He wasn't wrong. A man stood over him, in absolute shock at what he'd just pulled out of the water and how he wasn't dead.

Frankly, Stefan didn't care about thanking the man. Because once he had his eyes set on him, the hunger overpowered him and he pounded from the safe and onto the man.


Stefan burst into his house, breathing in the scent and walking inside. It felt amazing to be walking. He felt powerful. He didn't lose control over himself, he was in control of his ripper side.

He didn't feel bad for killing that man, he needed as much blood as he could get. He was a little upset with his friends because they weren't the ones to find him.

Damon was the first to appear, shocked to see Stefan standing in the house, alive and looking well. Guilt was another emotion, because they stopped looking after a month.

"Damon." Stefan said, walking over and hugging his brother.

Over his shoulder, Stefan saw Elena with a huge smile on her face. Stefan was back and he was safe.

Stefan let Damon go to hug Elena, missing her in his arms. But he wished she was someone else. He didn't know if it was wise to tell them, but he needed to get to Cordelia.

"We looked for you..." Elena said, looking at Stefan.

"But you were too busy with each other. I know, I get it." Stefan said.

Elena opened her mouth, but she couldn't say anything. Damon wanted to deny, but he couldn't. Stefan nodded with his hands on his sides.

"How did you cope under the water all this time?" Elena asked.

"A girl named Cordelia was there to keep me company." Stefan admitted.

"In the safe?" Elena and Damon were confused.

"My mind. We were somehow tethered together and everytime I died she passed out too and now I need to find her." Damon and Elena looked at each other than Stefan, worried.

"Are you sure she's real? Not a figment of your imagination to help you forget about being in the safe?" Damon suggested, but Stefan shook his head.

"She is real. And I'm going to find her." Without another word Stefan stormed out, getting into his car and driving.

He wasn't sure where, but somehow he felt as if he knew the way to her.


Now I know this wasn't how the episode went but it fit better haha. Next chapter may be the last, where the meet and all that jazz. Or I can't maybe add something for another chapter.

Whatever yall think♡

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