chapter thirteen

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Cordelia was seated on a bench in the park near her apartment. She finished her afternoon shift and contemplated everything.

She met Stefan when she was laying on a bench. So for a minute, she laid herself on the bench and closed her eyes. She knew she was being ridiculous, but she was hopeless.

In the back of her mind, she heard the rumbling of Stefan's red car. She opened her eyes and looked at the road, but was met with disappointment.

"Stop being stupid." Cordelia scoffed at herself.

She picked at her nails, feeling dumb on not knowing what to do with herself. She hated feeling this way, she wanted to be happy.

But she was happier with Stefan. She missed him. She missed his smile and his voice.

She wasn't going to be sad forever, but for now she'd accept it. Then she thought about Silas, and how he'd perceived himself as Stefan and hurt her.


Cordelia was walking down the streets when she saw something familiar. A face. In the distance a ways away from her between people.

The same face she'd been talking to for months. The same face she'd fallen in love with. She smiled widely upon seeing him.

Stefan's eyes didn't see her yet, but she didn't care. She ran past people and at the last second saw his eyes find her. She ran into his arms, breathing heavily. They backed into an alleyway for privacy.

His arms felt safe. She was finally with him. She removed her face from his shoulder and made the risky move to kiss him. Stefan let it happen, only for a few moments before smirking.

"I didn't expect you to be this happy, then again, I don't blame you for mixing us up." Cordelia was confused.

"Ah, I see you may not rememeber me. Silas, Stefan's doppelganger. A magical, stronger, more handsome version of Stefan." Cordelia removed herself, her hand hitting her lips to wipe her mouth.

"What are you doing here? How did you even know about me?" Silas chuckled.

"I was surprised that Elena wasn't his soul mate, with the whole prophecy and doppëlgangers fated to be soul mates. You really put a spin on it." Cordelia didn't like the vibe she was getting from him, and not just because she knew he'd been the reason Stefan was in the safe right now.

"What are you doing here?" Cordelia asked again, more forcefully.

"To put a little tweak into the universes plans." Silas waved his hands, whispering something under his breath and caused Cordelia to yell, dropping to her knees and holding her stomach.

The pain he inflicted was worse than the sun scorching her skin or vervain sizzling. It was over in a few seconds, but she didn't feel at all good about it.

"What did you do?!" Cordelia exclaimed in a ragged breath.

"Giving you and my doppëlganger a break. Use your last one for a goodbye, because you won't be seeing each other again." And with that Silas was gone with the wind, leaving Cordelia crying alone in the alleyway.

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