chapter three

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Cordelia finally made it to Opals house, where she pounded on the door repeatedly.  Opal opened the door with a towel on her head and a toothbrush in her mouth.

"I don't know what's going on with me. But I don't like it." Was the first thing she said.

"What's going on?" Opal asked soon after she let her in and shut the door.

"I keep losing my breath, and I'm seeing this guy every time I pass out and it only last for a few minutes before we both wake up. Do in have a tumor or something? Am I going insane?" Cordelia rambled. She was terrified. But she felt so calm in the state with him. He was calming.

"Maybe I can help. Lay on the couch and I'll see what I can do." Opal said. She rid the towel from her head and spit out the toothpaste before sitting by the couch.

"This may hurt. I'm going to look into your brain, maybe you'll pass out and see him again." Opal suggested.

Cordelia didn't care what happened as long as she figured out what was going on. Opal pressed her fingers to Cordelia's temples and began mumbling words.

Pain spread through Cordelia's body, soon yelling in pain before she indeed did pass out.


"You're back." Stefan said. He was sitting on a couch with a glass of borbon. The living room was huge, a high ceiling and original structure.

"Passed out from pain this time, not because you drowned again." Cordelia said, plopping herself next to him on the couch.

"Why pain?" He asked.

"Got a witch friend trying to figure what the hell is happening." Cordelia replied.

"You think she can figure it out?" Stefan wondered.

Cordelia shrugged. "I hope so. If not I just hope that I don't pass out everytime you drown."

Stefan raised an eyebrow. "No offense, but I'm getting tired of getting knocked out, or possibly dying, everytime you do. Even if it's only been one day."

"I am as well. Dying over and over isn't fun." Stefan replied.

"I bet. How long do you think it's been?" She asked.

"At least a month." Stefan predicted.

"That's about as long as it's been happening to me." Cordelia says, suddenly seeing everything around becoming hazy.

"Looks like she's done. I'll see you later." Cordelia smiles, realizing this was the first time she got to say bye before being abruptly pulled back.


Cordelia gasped when she arose, coughing like there was something suck in her throat. She was quick to turn to her friend, impatient to hear what Opal had to say.

"I have absolutely no clue what the hell is going on." With that Cordelia fell back onto the couch.

"There's not something in your books? Any friends that know something?" She asked in hope.

"I'll look, but it'll take a while. It might be impossible. For now get prepared for alot of passing out." In this moment, all Cordelia wanted to do was curse to the world, but refrained from doing so.

"Can I at least crash here for a few days? I'd rather not be driving home and crashing my car." Opal laughed, though Cordelia was being serious.

Opal agreed, offering the guest room for her to use. Cordelia was happy she at least got her sleep. No offense to Stefan, but she liked her sleep more.

She was quick to change into the clothes given to her and fell asleep, enjoying the peacefulness it gave her.


She didn't even want to open her eyes. She already knew that Stefan had drowned again and it was affecting her this time or sleep was no longer going to be peaceful.

But when she opened her eyes, it was dark. She wasn't in Mystic Falls. She was just in the dark. It seemed like she was weightless. Her body felt light, lile it was floating.

Her eyes adjusted, and she realized, that whatever this was, she was in a lake. Or an ocean. It was dark, but she could make out a shape at the bottom.

She pulled her body closer, getting a glimpse of the object; it was a safe.

Stefan said he was locked in a safe. Cordelia's hands pressed against the safe and tried banging on it. It was useless. This was either a dream or another black out.

Whatever it was, Cordelia now had some idea as to where Stefan was located.


Surprised it was morning, Cordelia opened her eyes. That dream, or whatever it was, was more peaceful than she thought. She is enjoyed the darkness of sleeping.

Cordelia walked into the living room, seeing many books and pages everywhere.

Guess Opal started searching.

"Oh good! You're awake!" Opal exclaimed, coming round with a cup of coffee.

Cordelia accepted it. "Did you find something?"

Opal nodded. "I think so." She picked up a page and showed it to her. "Something along the lines of being connected by the mind. One of you thinks of the other and you become known."

"So you're saying, whenever Stefan thinks of me, I get knocked out so I can see him?" Cordelia summarized.

"Yeah! Or visa - versa"

Well, at least it explained something.


I'm excited for this book, I'm going to have a lot of fun with it.

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