Queen | Confessions & Speeches

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Queen | Confessions & Speeches

Erin woke up the next day feeling much better. She hasn't felt this way in a long time, and that meant a very long time. She almost felt refreshed when she woke up. Trisha's words had her up all night thinking about her life and how she needed to take control over it.

Not everybody was in her situation. But Trisha was in an abusive relationship once, so she could understand Erin from a certain point of view, right? But she knew that Trisha wouldn't understand why in the hell she would sign a two year long engagement contract. That was seventeen months ago anyway and Erin's decision making skills were horrible back then. She hoped that Trisha could understand because she was going to talk to her about it.

Erin got dressed into some cute jeans and a black halter top, that showed off her shoulders, with some red bottoms to go with her outfit. Also adding some make up to her face so she could keep that faint bruise covered, it was almost gone but she covered it just in case, because she couldn't risk it. So she brought shades and sat them on top of her head. If she became paranoid then she would just easily slip the shades on.

After she was dressed she made her way downstairs to the diner that the hotel had. On the way down there she saw of the women that were mingling along with one another, then she spotted Trisha sitting at a table with a cup of tea in her hands.

Gulping nervously she approached her, "Hey Trisha, mind if I take to you?"

"Of course darling," Trisha stood up from the table and they both made their way outside to the gardens, sitting on a wooden bench that was in front of a large water fountain.

"So, you had me thinking last night about what you said to me. I haven't been able to love or respect myself in a very long time. It really bugged me to know that," Erin spoke.

"One question, does this have anything to do with your relationship?" Trisha asked curiously.

Erin looked down at her ring and nodded silently.

"You can tell me what's going on Erin, you don't have to hold anything back, okay?" Trisha said warmly, placing a hand on her back, encouraging her that it was okay to talk to her.

Erin was practically a therapist. She didn't know why but tears just started rushing down her face. All of those emotions were balled up for a very long time. Trisha wrapped her arms around Erin and held her tight, knowing that she really needed this more than ever right now, and she did.

"It's been going on for so long," Erin sobbed, knowing that the wall she built up was crashing down right in front of her.

"I know it's hard," Trisha said softly. "Let it all out darling."

"I signed this stupid contract to be engaged with the guy for two years. I had forgotten that it was all for the media and the public, he didn't really love me but I had fell in love with him. He wasn't right and I should've known the very first time he laid his hands on me but I was just too stupid," Erin sniffed.

"We all make mistakes honey, and we all become blind when we see things that are good but are actually bad. And I'm so sorry that you're in this mess, I wish we could trade spots darling," Trisha says wiping her face.

"Please don't say that Trisha," Erin says shaking her head sighing. "But thank you so much for listening to me, I just feel ten times lighter, you know?"

"It always helps when you talk to somebody," Trisha says. "Does anybody else know?"

"My mother and my close friends know about the contract, but my mother is slowly finding out that Kyrie is abusive," Erin told her.

"How so?" Trisha asked.

Erin sat up straight, "She noticed my bruise on my eye, it should be going away soon."

Trisha looked at the girl's face, and if she closed closely she could see it was a bit swollen, "When was this?"

"Like two months ago, he hasn't hit me in a while and I just want it to stay like that," Erin confessed.

Trisha sighed, "Darling you need a place to stay then you can always come with me and—,"

"Thank you but I can't, he's controlling and he always wants to keep me at the house," she says shaking her head, it didn't make no sense why he was like that.

"I can only tell you that things will get better Erin, please stay strong and don't hesitate to call me either," Trisha says.

"Thank you, I need your number just in case," Erin says pulling out her phone and they exchanged numbers with each other. Soon enough, it was time for the woman to have a reflection day in the garden.

After breakfast was over all the women took their seats in the chairs that was set up. Erin went over what she was going to say in her head and once she did everybody's attention was on her.

"I honestly hoped you all had amazing time being here. I have met so many of you wonderful ladies that it makes my heart swell. Connecting with you all was a blessing and I wish you all the best in your lives," Erin says to them. "Someone once told me it is a good thing to love and respect yourself. And when I heard that, I thought about it and the words really got to me. And before you all leave I want to tell you are to be happy and be free, because it all can be stolen at any given moment. So I just wanted to say thanking you for being here and being apart of something special."

All the women stood to their feet and applauded for her. Trisha was front and center, giving her a thumbs up with a smile on her face. Trisha was proud and witness her grow a little bit stronger right before her eyes. And maybe Trisha was right after all, she really had to love and respect herself because if she didn't..then she would be lost forever.


👏👏 @ Trisha

- BookOfBandz

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