Queen | Office Lunch Date

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Queen | Office Lunch Date

"I want you home tonight," Kyrie spoke sternly, walking in the bedroom with her.

Erin gulped, wondering how she was going to turn him down without things turning bad, "I-I have a w-work night Kyrie."

"Stop fucking stuttering," Kyrie spat, making her flinch. "And what did I tell you to call me?"

"I'm sorry sir," she said quickly, her eyes going down.

"Look at me when we're talking or I swear to god I'll beat your ass, do you understand?" Kyrie yelled.

She looked up at him, her soft eyes meeting his dark angry ones. She nodded. "Yes sir."

"What time will you be home?" He asked.

"It goes all the way until tomorrow afternoon," she told him.

"Just say tomorrow damn," Kyrie said rolling his eyes. "And when you get back, I need this house cleaned."

"Yes sir," she nodded.

As you can see Erin's relationship with Kyrie isn't the best. They are together because she was dragged into signing an engagement contract with him. At first it was alright then it only got worse. Erin actually had feelings for Kyrie in the beginning but he didn't feel the same. This was just for the publicity, nothing more.

This contract was set up for two years. It's already been seventeen months and she only had seven more to go. After the contract is lifted then they were going to make a public break up, and Kyrie was going to move on to the next girl that was set up for him. It was all just sad.

Towards the middle of the first year of their relationship Kyrie began to get very aggressive towards her. First, it was all yells and light pushes and as time went by..it was now full on blows. He had became abusive.

This has been going on for a while now. Erin was afraid of Kyrie, a man who she thought she loved turned out to be an abusive man who feeds off of her fear. Erin knew she couldn't leave because she was under contract and she thought he was going to change. But he wasn't going to change, and she has not yet learned to realize that.

After Kyrie left the bedroom Erin grabbed her things and headed downstairs. There was a girl in her undergarments that came walking out the kitchen, she looked at Erin like she had three heads.

"Who are you?" She asked looking her up and down.

"It doesn't concern you," Erin says rolling her eyes, she spoke quietly because she didn't want Kyrie to hear her talking to one of his hoes. She remembers getting beat for being disrespectful towards his other lady friends, so she kept her voice low.

Erin left the house with a suit case rolling behind her. She got into her all white Lamborghini and drove away from the mansion that she despised being in. Erin drove to work, hoping that the rest of her day will go right.

"Hey Sweet Cheeks, you ready for tonight?" Tinashe chirped—everybody called her Sweet Cheeks because she would blush a lot and when she smiled she looked like a 'sweet girl'. It went all the way back in highschool.

"Yeah, it should be fun," Erin smiled.

"Hey ladies," Liane says walking in with confidence and a big smile on her face.

"You need to check your emails miss," Tinashe says.

"I will," the Asian woman groaned. "Just been busy, you know?"

"The Women's March isn't until July, okay? Don't worry because you're not alone," Erin assured.

"Aw, thank you!" Liane smiled brightly then her phone started to ring. "Sorry, I gotta take this."

Erin and Tinashe shook their heads and giggled. Soon enough Tinashe's phone started to ring then she had to leave. Erin was in the lounge just chilling, she was here to make sure everything was going to be ready for tonight. She would just check up on everything later but for right now, she needed to relax.

Hours later she was now in her office making sure the arrangements has been made for later this evening. There was going to be thirty ladies here for this confession/healing night. She sent out a reminder email to all of them just to make sure that they had the details right. When she was done she put her desktop computer to sleep and got on her phone to scroll through Instagram. And then her office door opened, there came Zayn walking in with a sack of food in his hand.

"Hey babe, hope you like Chinese," he grinned.

"I do, thank you," she blushed, totally surprised that he actually came through.

Zayn placed the sack of food on her desk then helped her up from her seat, pulling her into a hug. She giggled because it was unnecessary but she liked it.

"You look stunning by the way," Zayn says kissing her forehead.

"You look nice to," she says softly and sat back down in her seat, watching Zayn pull up a chair just to sit close to her.

"How's your day so far?" Zayn asked, handing her food.

"It's been alright I guess," Erin shrugged. "And you?"

He shrugged, "Busy as usual, you know? I decided to take off today because I wanted to hang out with you."

Erin blushed, "No you didn't."

"I did," he chuckled. "I came to see your beautiful self, and have our first lunch date."

"You really think I'm beautiful?" She asks softly.

"Hell yeah," Zayn nodded his head passionately. "Has anybody told you that before?"

"Well..not how many times you said it," Erin admits.

"Not even your man?" Zayn asked with a raised eyebrow.

She rolled her eyes, "Don't start."

"Okay fine, I won't," he chuckles. "But I just wanna say that you start should getting comfortable with me babe."

She raised an eyebrows at his boldness, "Why is that?"

"Because I wanna be close to you for as long as I can," he smiled.


I bet in the first few chapters you thought Erin was a hoe 😭 . just wanted you guys to know some important details before you start dissin' her . guess it's a little too late lol .

- BookOfBandz

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