Queen | Snatched By Snakes

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Queen | Snatched By Snakes

After Zayn and Erin left his house, his driver, Mr. Meg, came and picked them up. During the car ride Zayn was trying to be slick but Erin wasn't having it. His hand was on her thigh and she swore that she got a little horny when he touched her. But the driver was up front and yet that didn't stop him from rubbing his hands on her legs. She would squirm at his touch but she loved it regardless the way it made her feel.

It was somewhat entertaining to watch how Erin reacted to him. Zayn liked how she got all nervous or how she blushed at the littlest things. All of that was so adorable to witness. How she smiled, the way she laughed, her sense of humor, it was just something about her that he liked a lot.

When they got to the building Mr. Meg stopped in front of the glass doors. There was paparazzi out there and they were already snapping pictures. Erin grew worried because she thought of all the worst scenarios that could happen if she stepped foot out of this car. She was wanting to back out.

"Meg do you have some shades?" Zayn asked.

"Of course," he looked in the glove department and passed Zayn two pairs of black shades.

"Here you go love," Zayn says handing her a pair of sunglasses. "Put these on before we get out."

"Zayn I don't think this is a good idea," Erin murmured.

"Just look down and don't say anything," he says to her. "You'll be fine."

"Okay," she says inhaling and exhaling, once he got out of the car then she followed close behind.


"Look this way!"

"Is this your new girl?!"

"Excuse me miss!"

"What's her name?!"

"Are you two a couple?!"

"Zayn over here!"

During everything Zayn held her hand and guided her inside the glass doors. That's when she could finally breathe.

"See? It wasn't that bad," Zayn cooed pinching her cheek.

She giggled, "My life just flashed before my eyes."

"You real corny," he chuckles.

"But you love it," she shot back with a grin.

"Yeah," Zayn hummed and kissed her lips softly.

The two walked in the large room where she had modeled once before. Erin must admit, she wanted to do it again because it was probably the best thing she has experienced so far.

"I'll be right back babe," Zayn says walking over to some of his staff members, he gave her a cheek kiss before he left her by herself.

Erin sighed then went to go find a chair to sit in, but before she could take a seat someone cleared their throat.

"I can get a bigger chair if you want," Sara spoke up. "You know..for your size."

"Excuse me?" Erin frowned.

"This chair is just too small don't you think?" Sara hummed.

"First of all, get away from me. Second, this chair is fine so thank you," Erin rolled her eyes and sat down in the chair anyway.

"You know, I'm surprised that Zayn hasn't let you go yet," the brunette chuckled.

"Can you shut up and get away from me?" Erin snapped. "Why are you still here?"

"You must keep his dick wet apparently. He's always been like that you know? Having girls around just to bring himself up. I don't know why he has you when he could do way much better," Sara says looking at her nails.

Erin took a quick look at Zayn then back at Sara who was totally talking down on them both. The brown skinned woman didn't know what to say or do. So she just stayed quiet.

"I work for him, you know? You know how many times were together? We fuck all the time," Sara emphasized the last part and laughed. "If you haven't realized then now you do, he doesn't want you tramp."

That just brought her confidence all the way down to the ground. Especially since Sara was very pretty and Zayn was super good looking. Even Erin agreed that they would look nice together but she didn't know it was like that between them.

Without another word Erin got up from the chair and walked out of the large room, tears flowing down her face as she quickly went outside to get some fresh air. Erin made her way around the back of the building so she could just think and be by herself. But it was all interrupted when the sound of a car door being slammed. She looked up from her teary eyes and saw the last person she wanted to see, Kyrie Irving.

"I see you got out of the closet," Kyrie chuckled as he approached. "How does it feel to be free, huh?"

She was frozen still.

"We're going home," he says sternly, his eyes narrowing at her with so much hatred and evilness. "Now."

"Listen, okay?" Erin sniffed. "You don't understand what happened, just hear me out."

"I understand, now let's go," Kyrie says grabbing her arm and pulling her towards the car. "You just have so much to learn Erin."

Soon enough Sara came into the room and acted like nothing just happened. She was the one that told Kyrie that Erin was here, and their plan somehow worked out perfectly.

Inside the building, everything was set up for this photoshoot. Zayn was too busy to realize that Erin was gone. He'll get a very rude awakening when he finds out what truly happened the moment he left Erin alone.


after school I had practice and dance . this was the best I could do since I'm so tired and I have a game tomorrow 😫 .

- BookOfBandz

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