Queen | Partially Resolved

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Queen | Partially Resolved

After what happened the media literally went crazy. Kyrie was in the hospital, Erin was in another hospital, Onika had disappeared somewhere, and the press was literally on Zayn's ass. Telling by the news, nobody knew the actual real story. So there was so many assumptions and ideas running around.

Everybody practically left except for Zayn and Edna. Later on that day the doctor allowed the both of them to stay in Erin's room for the night. Zayn literally broke down crying when he saw the sight of his girl on the hospital bed, hooked up to different machines and bandages on her body. It was just horrible.

So the next day, Zayn woke up in a stiff chair that was right next to Erin's hospital bed. As his vision cleared, he noticed that Edna was sleep on the couch, the TV was on, and Erin was awake.

"Erin," Zayn rasped, slowly sitting up to see if she was really awake and she was.

"Hey sleepy head," Erin says reaching her hand to grab his own.

Zayn looked at her with sad eyes, just seeing her in this condition literally tore him apart. He hated it.

"Before you say anything, I just need to say thank you," Erin says sincerely. "And you shouldn't blame yourself for any of this."

"But I feel like it was my fault," Zayn says softly since her mother was still sleep.

"It isn't Zayn, please don't put all of this on you," she almost begged.

"I'm just glad you're okay," Zayn says kissing her hand delicately.

"Having a few broken ribs..not so sure Zayn," she chuckled but ended up coughing a little bit.

He quickly grabbed some water and gave it to her, "You good Erin?"

"Fine," she coughed but nodded anyway. "My body hurts a lot."

"Do you need me to go get someone? Because I'll do whatever you want Erin," he says worriedly.

"I just need some pain medicine that's all, my side is starting to hurt again," Erin says wincing.

"Okay, I'll be right back," Zayn says standing up.

"And Zayn?" Erin called.

He turned around quickly, "Yes?"

"I love you," she told him softly with a small smile.

"I love you too," Zayn said with no hesitation and with a huge smile, he then walked out of the room to celebrate. "Fuck yes!" He cheered to himself.

"I'm sorry what?" A nurse asked confusingly.

"Oh nothing," Zayn said quickly then coughed awkwardly. "Is there anyway I can get some pain medication? I need some for my girl."

"Sure just follow me," the nurse says walking to a counter. "Can I have a name?"

"Erin Irving," Zayn says.

The nurse wrote something on the clipboard then went to get some medicine, she then walked back to the room with Zayn following behind.

But when they walked in the room, there was two guys in suits standing by Erin's bed.

"Ug excuse me?" Zayn spoke rudely, catching both of their attentions. "Who the hell are you guys?"

"We're her management boss, who the hell are you?" The man with blonde hair scoffed.

"It doesn't concern you, why are you two here?" Zayn asked glaring at both of them.

The blonde haired man looked Zayn up and down before realizing who he was, "Hold on..aren't you Kyrie's competition?"

"Leave him out of this Jeff," Erin groaned.

Jeff chuckled bitterly and looked at Erin, "You know this his fault right? This is the main reason why you are in this hospital bed."

"It isn't his fault," Edna says trying to reason with him.

"Shut up Edna," Jeff hissed at her.

"Watch your fucking tone," Zayn growled, anger slowly rising in his body by every second. "Respect the women or else get the fuck out."

"If you would've followed out with the contract then you wouldn't be in this mess Erin," the other man with red hair said.

"It's not me Jack!" Erin cried. "It's him!"

"Oh please don't blame this on Kyrie," Jack scoffed. "Do you know he's in the hospital right now? He was beaten by this scrub."

"Fuck Kyrie! I don't care about him!" Erin shouted. "Why don't you two understand me?"

Jack rolled his eyes, "What is there to understand?"

"He beats me," Erin croaks, her eyes going down as she spoke those three words.

It all went quiet that moment. Jack and Jeff looked at each other before looking at Erin.

"He puts his hands on you?" Jack asked with a soft look.

"Yes, he always has," Erin says wiping her face.

"Why in the hell didn't you tell us? We could've cut the contract a long time ago," Jeff says sincerely with a big sigh. "Why are we just hearing this now?"

"You never answered my calls and Kyrie wouldn't let me contact you too or else he would've beaten me," Erin told him truthfully.

"Jack stay here, I'm going to Kyrie's hospital," Jeff says leaving the room.

Jack sighed, "I'm so sorry Erin."

"I feel like it's too late, you know? There was times where I thought he was going to kill me...but thanks I guess," Erin says with a shrug.

"I think you should leave and come back another time," Zayn says patting Jack's back and escorting him out of the room, pushing him slightly.

"Do you still need some medicine dear?" The nurse asked timidly, not sure what to do now.

Everybody chuckled including Erin, "Yes please."

After the nurse did a few check ups on Erin, she had left the room. Zayn went over to Erin and kissed her lips softly then her forehead.

"You two are literally perfect for each other," Edna sighed happily at the sight of the two.

They both giggled like kids and their lips met again for another kiss.


- BookOfBandz

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