Queen | Taken Again

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Queen | Taken Again

The beating went on for hours when Erin was brought back to the house. She had been tied to one of the kitchen chairs and she took every single blow that came from Kyrie. The white t-shirt she had on was now covered in so much blood and tears. And when it was over Kyrie knocked her out and took her downstairs to the basement where she was tied up again.

She should've known something was going to happen like this. This is why Erin was paranoid ever since she left with Zayn. He promised her that everything was going to be alright, but it was just too far from that.

The moment Zayn looked around and didn't see Erin then he slowly started to panic. He asked Sara and of course she had to lie and say she didn't see her. He actually paused the photoshoot so he could look for her. Zayn checked everywhere and still couldn't find her, he then had to finish the photoshoot. And once that was done he tried harder to look for her. Still to this early hour that is what he is doing, trying to find his girl.

"Mum," Zayn sniffed. "Erin's gone."

"Oh sweetie, what do you mean by that?" Trisha asked worriedly.

"I-I don't know. She was with me then all of sudden she's not here," he cried.

"Zayn, where are you?" His mother asked.

"In a car, outside my work building," Zayn responded with a small sniff.

"Honey, you need to go and look for her," Trisha says. "Check where she stays."

"She wouldn't just leave me mum. Erin would have told me if she was leaving," he says with a sigh.

Trisha sighed deeply, "Do you think she would go anywhere with someone? Or someone must have taken her?"

"Mum don't say that," Zayn groaned.

"I'm sorry honey but it's possible. Check video cameras, call her friends or something, Erin probably needs you Zayn," Trisha says seriously.

"Okay," Zayn sighed. "I'll call you later."

"Love you, be safe," Trisha says.

"Love you too," Zayn hung up and wiped his face. "Meg can you stay here? I'll be right back."

"I'll be here," Mr. Meg hummed.

Zayn got out of the car and went back inside his work building so he could check some security cameras. As he was walking down the hallways he heard a voice.

"Is Erin with you?" Sara spoke on the phone with Kyrie. "Good, because that bitch needs to stay away from my man. Make sure you handle her Kyrie, I'll be over in a few babe."

Something in Zayn's body just flipped, he walked back towards the lobby where he saw Sara, who was about to walk out of the door.

"Sara!" He yelled, catching her attention.

The brunette jumped, "Geez, you scared me Zayn."

"Who were you on the phone with?" He asked with angry eyes.

"J-Just a friend," Sara stuttered terribly.

"Don't fucking lie to me," he growled. "Now tell me who it was."

Sara crossed her arms over her chest, "It was your little bitch's fiancé, Kyrie. You know, the guy she's engaged to. He wouldn't be too happy if you were messing with his girl."

"You know what? You're fired," Zayn chuckled bitterly.

"W-What?" She stuttered again.

"Pack your shit and leave," he says then walked out of the door, then he got into the car. "Mr. Meg, take me to 10th and Broadway."

"Yes sir," Mr. Meg pulled out of the parking lot, his foot pressing heavy on the gas petal.

Even though he shouldn't think about all the bad things that could be happening..he couldn't help it. Zayn grew very anxious and angry.

Once Mr. Meg stopped in front of the house, Zayn got out of the car quickly and went to the front door, knocking on it. Moments later, the door opened and there was a shirtless Kyrie looking very confused. Just before he could say anything Zayn had sent a punch to his jaw.

"What the fuck—,"

More punches was sent his way. Zayn was raging, this wasn't even heathy for him to be feeling like this because he knew that he was going to black out. And that's exactly what he did.

"Aye man!" Kyrie yelled, trying to cover his head but it didn't work. Only then he grew weak trying to protect himself, then he slowly passed out on the floor from the hits.

Quickly, he went upstairs to the bedroom where it was dark. When he turned on the lights and saw someone laying in the bed, it wasn't Erin...it was her friend, Onika.

"Kyrie, come back babe," she frowned rolling over just to see it wasn't Kyrie. "What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Where's Erin?" Zayn asked, breathing heavily, he didn't have time to mess around.

Onika gulped, "I don't know where—,"

"Where is she?!" Zayn yelled.

"S-She's in the basement," she stuttered.

Going out the room he went downstairs to see that Kyrie was still passed out. When he turned one corner of the hallway he saw steps that went down to a door. He went down the steps to find the door unlocked, he flipped on the switch and his heart immediately stopped beating.

She was there tied up, bruised, cut up, blood everywhere, some burns on her legs, clothes ripped...it was just a horrible sight. He walked over to her but it felt like he was moving in slow motion. When he reached her he untied the ropes carefully, resulting her to wake up.

"Z-Zayn? Is that you?" She asked so quietly, fearing that it was Kyrie and she would get beat. And plus, it was dark and her left eye was so swollen that she could barely see anything.

"Yes darling, it's me," Zayn assured, helping her up to her feet slowly, wrapping an arm around her waist while she had her arm around his shoulder.

"It hurts so bad," Erin winces.

"The car is outside, we just need to go," Zayn helped her up the steps and into the hallway.

"H-How you get here?" She asked quietly.

"I'll see you later—," Zayn started but was punched in the gut, making him fall along with Erin.

"You thought you could just come in here and take her?!" Kyrie yelled as he punched Zayn in the face.

Well, since Zayn was on the ground getting punch he had an advantage. He was able to kick Kyrie's kneecap with full force, kick him in the stomach which made him fall, then it was Zayn's turn to punch on Kyrie.

This time he wasn't stopping, he was so enraged right now. It was almost impossible to show him any mercy. Even though he had passed out again, Zayn wasn't stopping.

Erin had finally helped herself up, and went over to Zayn. She pulled his arm with all the strength that she had left but he had pushed her away, and continued throwing punches.

She stood there slightly shocked and scared. It was very rare to see Zayn like this, and she didn't like it. Erin tried to tell him to stop but he didn't. She had started to cry then her breathing was getting very heavy. After everything was happening, the world just went black on her.

Kyrie was done for only minutes later, once Zayn stopped he noticed that Erin was on the ground unconscious. He quickly went over to her.

"Erin," Zayn spoke, holding her. "Please wake up Erin."

When he didn't get no type of respond, he stood up to his feet and picked her up bridal style. Going out the house to the car.

"Go the hospital now!" Zayn cried, feeling the car racing fast. He couldn't help but to cry about all of this. Zayn just felt so horrible about everything, it seems like his own world was going black.


- BookOfBandz

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