Queen | The Final Peace

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Queen | The Final Peace

"Zayn!" Erin squealed as he continued to kiss all over her face, making her squirm and giggle like a child.

"You're so adorable," Zayn laughed and pinched her cute brown cheeks.

"I have to pee now," Erin says breathing heavy, she carefully sat up and got up from the bed.

"Love you," Zayn says watching her walk towards the connected bathroom that was in the bedroom, his eyes focused on the movement of her full hips in the shorts she had. Erin could literally wear anything and he would be drooling. Her beauty and her body did things to him.

"Whatever," Erin says waving him off which made him chuckle.

One year and a half later Erin and Zayn was doing so much better than before. It was now June, the beginning of summer for this year. That meant doing nothing but being on vacation, something that they both needed since all they did was work. Zayn was a photographer and enjoyed working with his girlfriend, along with traveling with her. Erin full-time model while she was a therapist for women who has gone through hell—something that she could relate too.

Since Kyrie was out of the picture Erin was able to live her life again. He hasn't been around in a long time and she wanted it to stay like that. She didn't have to worry about nothing but her developing relationship with Zayn and her job. Erin was able to experience what love actually feels like, and she was able to love somebody too. She actually felt free being with Zayn. And it was probably the greatest feeling ever.

And Zayn wanted to love Erin with every fiber in his body. That man adored Erin to the fullest. Her personality, her beauty, and her love; he admired everything about her and will always admire her. Zayn was proud to say that Erin might be his first love. Because believe this, she was the best thing that has ever happened to him in his whole entire life.

"Zayn come here!" Erin yelled from the bathroom, her voice layering with panic and fear.

He got up from the bed and rushed to the bathroom, opening the door to see a completely fine Erin with a small box in her hand and a soft smile on her face.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked worriedly. "Why'd you call my name like that?"

"I just want to give this to you," Erin says handing him the small narrow box.

Zayn frowned at her but opened the box anyway to see a pregnancy test that read positive. In that moment everything just hit him so hard and his hazel eyes became glossy to the point that tears fell down his face. This was a big blessing.

"I'm pregnant Zayn," Erin announced softly, watching how her emotional boyfriend tried to gather up his words.

"I-I know," Zayn croaked and tried to wipe the tears away but more came down. He was very emotional.

Erin took a few steps closer to him and cupped his cheeks, "I know you're emotional babe, and it's okay."

"I'm going to be a dad Erin..there's gonna be a little one running around soon," Zayn sniffed. "My baby is having a baby."

"I know am I so excited," Erin squealed with a wide smile on his face.

"God, I love you," Zayn says pulling his girl closer to him. "I really do love you."

"And I love you too babe," Erin says hugging him back tighter.

Eleven months later..

"Aw my baby," Erin cooed at her baby girl who was crying since her daddy left the room for a moment.

It's been about nine months since Renee was born. She was a beautiful baby girl that took a lot of her mother's features. Renee had brown skin, her mother's cute nose, and her pretty smile. Renee looked a lot like Erin when she was a baby, it was remarkable actually.

"Okay, I'm back," Zayn says with baby food in his hand then frowned once he saw his baby girl had tears on her face. "What's wrong with my little princess?"

"She's attached to you," Erin says passing the baby to her fiancé who was beginning to feed Renee.

"Because you're my little baby girl," Zayn cooed as he fed her a small spoonful of banana baby food.

"You gonna spoil her aren't you?" Erin asked as she watched him interact with their daughter.

"Hell yeah," Zayn nodded without hesitation. "And the rest of her other siblings."

"Excuse me?" Erin laughed. "Others?"

Zayn looked at her, "You thought that I wanted one child? Ug no Erin. I'm gonna marry you and get you pregnant again..and again. Or I could just have both at the same time."

"Geez," Erin blushed, it's been a while since they last talked about those topics; marriage and children.

"I'm serious Erin, I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You are my soulmate and we are gonna live happily with our twenty beautiful kids," he half-teased but he really meant it.

"I'm down," Erin giggled and kissed his lips but he ended up deepening the kiss.

"N-Nooo!" Renee squealed, and started to hit her mother's chest with her little baby hands. Making a statement that she wanted her daddy all to herself.

Erin pulled away and smacked her teeth at her small child, "You already talkin' mess?"

Renee simply laughed and clapped her hands.

"You can't be greedy princess," Zayn cooed and fed her some baby food. "You and your mother has to share me."

"N-No!" Renee shouted and reached for her father with her cubby arms.

"Stubborn like your mum," Zayn shook his head but kissed her head full of hair, making her burst out in a fit of giggles.

"She's definitely a daddy's girl," Erin mumbled.

"You're a daddy's girl too," Zayn chuckled. "Especially in the sheets."

"Stop before I end up pregnant," Erin smacked his hand that somehow made it to her ass. "You play too much Z."

"You're gonna end up pregnant regardless being with me," Zayn snorted. "Try me again baby."

"It's hard not to love you," Erin let out a deep breath as a smile came to her face.

Zayn leaned over and kissed her lips then smiled at her, "Love you too queen."



- BookOfBandz

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