Queen | New Flame

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Queen | New Flame

"Where is she?!" Kyrie yelled at the top of his lungs, searching throughout the whole entire house, wondering where Erin could be.

"Baby, just calm down," Onika sighed, everytime he screamed it would make her jump a little bit and it became annoying.

"Don't tell me to calm down! I don't know where she is!" Kyrie yelled at her, pacing around the living room like a crazy person in his boxers.

"You don't have to worry about her Kyrie. You got me, remember?" Onika said with a seductive look.

"Shut up Nicki," Kyrie mumbled, rolling his eyes.

Onika smacked her teeth, "Just because your little hoe is gone doesn't mean to can disrespect me. Let it go Kyrie and just come fuck me."

Kyrie looked at Onika who was in a sexy lingerie set. His eyes scanned her up and down as he licked his lips. He decided that he wouldn't worry about Erin later, afterall she wasn't important anyway.

"What you tryna do babe?" Zayn asked walking into the living room.

Erin looked at him with amusement as he sat down next to her on the couch, "What'd you just call me?"

"You heard me boo," he smirked.

Erin rolled her eyes at him, a smile slowly forming on her face. She knew that she loved the nicknames, it did something to her everytime.

Zayn woke up early this morning and made her breakfast. Just because he thought that she deserved it after what all happened yesterday, and what has happened in the time of barely two years. He needed her to know that she is truly valued by him, that meant doing whatever it took to prove her that.

Even though Erin didn't know why he was treating her like this but she decided to be grateful anyway. She was paranoid of course because she has never ran away from Kyrie before. It was an odd feeling and she didn't know how to be about it. Erin knew that Zayn cared for her, everything he did showed how much she really means to him. She appreciates him for making her feel this way, she just doesn't want this to go sour.

"You're such a huge flirt," Erin mumbles.

"That's why they call me MacDaddy Z," he snickered, making Erin giggle with him.

"Nobody calls you that," Erin laughs.

"Okay, so? What if I wanna call myself that? Geez, you're such a hater," Zayn scoffed and pouted playfully.

"You know I'm just kidding babe," Erin pinched his cheeks and giggled at the face he made at her.

"What'd you just called me?" Zayn mocked, trying to impersonate her voice.

Erin hit his chest lightly and squinted her eyes at him, "I don't sound like that."

"Yes you do," he laughed. "I like how you talk babe."

She gave him a 'nigga what' face, "You like how I talk?"

"Yeah, your voice is so soft and sweet but you have this attitude when you get fiery with me, I like it," he grins.

Erin shook her head at him, "You like everything about me don't you?"

Zayn grinned, "Hell yeah, you my baby," he leaned in and kissed her, slowly laying her down on the couch so he was hovering over her a little bit.

They kissed, kissed, and kissed. Her hands on the side of his face, pulling him deeper to make the kiss more passionate. She was emotional about everything she did, it always meant something to her. And kissing him right now meant a lot.

And Zayn was the type to make things slow and sexy, he was the initial mood setter everytime their lips touched. Both of them together can create something so special that it drove both of them over the edge.

"You deserve everything," Zayn whispered against her delicate skin as he started to kiss on her perfect sculpted collar bone. "And I'll give you anything you want darling, all you have to do is ask."

And that's what made her nervous. Erin wasn't comfortable with asking for her deepest and dirtiest wishes. It was hard for her to be so out there and so wanting of her needs. She didn't want to seem selfish but at the same time, she has never experienced this before.

"Anything, yeah?" Her voice shook as she talked. "I know what I want, it's just hard to ask, you know?"

"What is it?" Zayn asked looking up at her.

Erin gulped and looked away from his lingering stare, "I never knew how it felt to be pleasured before."

"No one has ever touched you?" Zayn asked surprisingly.

"Well," she gulped. "I'm still a virgin."

His face was absolutely priceless, there's no way, he thought to himself, "You mean to tell me that you have never done anything sexual with anybody?"

"No," she squeaked.

Zayn let out a breathy laugh, "Oh darling, darling, darling..I'm gonna do so you right."

"Caann..you do it right now?" She asked with one eye closed, hoping he wouldn't turn down her request that she barely had the guts to ask.

"Do you trust me?" Zayn asked seriously, he didn't want to do anything without her real consent. Believe me, he can seduce any female but he wanted her to be honest with him.

"Yeah, I trust you," she says kissing his lips softly to reassure him.

Casually, he hovered over her and began kissing her. His hands running up and down her sides as the kiss got heated. She moaned in his mouth when he began rubbing both of her thighs. It was a sensation that she got once before around him but never like this. As he casually got closer to her core she all of a sudden became very tense.

"You okay?" He asked barely pulling his lips away from her and removing his hands from her thighs.

"Yeah I'm fine," she says letting out a deep breath.

Proceeding his actions, Zayn started to rub her slowly. Her body heat was slowly rising the more she got turned on. And he could feel that heat coming from her, he loved it.

Just before he could go any further he gave her a look and she nodded so he could continue on. So he slowly removed his boxers that she was wearing on her body, exposing everything to his eyes that soon became so dark when he saw how wet she was. A chill went down her spine when he started to rub her even more. She gripped the couch cushion so she could hold in the moan that was threatening to escape from her mouth, but sadly it came out when he slowly entered a finger inside of her.

"Aw baby, you're so tight," he almost cooed, watching how her body was reacting and he loved the view of her gripping the couch pillows with her life while she had her eyes closed. He continued until he slipped in another finger, feeling how tight how walls were so he took it slow so he wouldn't hurt her.

"Zayn..geez," Erin moaned quietly when she felt his fingers inside of her. It felt so good and she didn't want him to stop either because she could feel the knots in her stomach twist. "Zayn..oh my god."

Moments later Erin was whining and moaning only then she had cummed on his fingers and she couldn't believe it. Her breathing was uneven and when she thought it was over..oh boy was she so wrong.

He lowered himself between her thighs and with one long swipe of his tongue she had broke down.

"Jesus," Erin moaned. "Baby oh my god."

Lapping his tongue on her clit he held her thighs with his life. Hearing her moan his name was probably the sexiest thing he has ever heard in his life. He was doing her right, like he said he would.


I'm sorry that I cut it short , there'll be more smut later 💦👅 .

- BookOfBandz

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