Lock me up

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How should one feel when they are betrayed by their village and family? How should one feel when that very family—the only thing they have left—locks them up in a cell meant for demons? I wish I knew.

I mean, I was five when it happened. My mother died, father blamed me, village blamed me, friends blamed me. I don't even remember what happened to her, is that cruel?

As I get older, my memories become fuzzier and fuzzier. It's a real pain... I don't even remember what food looks like.

I sighed and rocked back and forth on my heels. I was restless but I was also extremely tried. My chakra is constantly being drained and it's not the most pleasant experience.

I finally sat down, sliding against the bleak stone wall. I hugged me knees to my chest and surveyed my surroundings for what can only be the millionth time.

My cell is located at the end of a long corridor. It's a semi-circle and made out of a stranger material I've never heard of or even seen. Another thing is that this cell is impenetrable. The only way to get out is with the keys but I can't touch the keys because they're me proof and even if I could I don't know where they are.

Anyways, on the other side of the beautifully narrow hallway, is the door. The door hasn't opened in ages and was apparently sealed off with something. I can't be sure if that information is valid seeing as I overheard one of the guards saying it to my father before they left. The funny thing is that I can remember the last thing some insignificant ninja said to my father but I can't remember my own name.

Oh! And did I mention that everything is dark? The only light I get is the light from the torches placed high on the walls. They never seem to go out which only further more proves that I'm not alone. I've tried to threaten them with magic (I can't do magic), I've tried to bribe them (with nothing), and I've tried to forcefully make them show themselves with magic (yet again, I cannot do magic).

You're probably thinking oh, beautiful lady locked in this cell! Why are you in here if it's for demons? Well, I am a demon. Don't ask me how but I am and it sucks ass.

I am suddenly pulled away from my thoughts when a rumbling sound starts echoing around me. I jump to my feet and look around. Dust and small rocks fall from the ceiling. I look The the door and my jaw hits the floor. A sliver of light is leaking from it.

It goes quiet and I move closer to the bars. The sliver of light slowly grows bigger and bigger until the entire corridor is bright with yellow light! A grin makes its way to my face.

It is then I see the four silhouettes moving towards me. All of varying shapes and sizes. Panic bubbles in my stomach as I realize I haven't spoken with humans in... well, ever.

In my panicking state I grab onto one of the cell bare. I howl in pain and jump back. On my hand is the imprint of a symbol. What it means? I have no idea. The pain goes as quickly as it comes and I shakily get to my feet.

The four shapes have somehow made it to my cell. I study them closely. There is a man with long blonde hair and a ninja headband that is crossed out. His blue eyes study me carefully until an arrogant smirk graced his lips.

"Look what we have here," he drawls, obviously loving the fact that I'm behind bars.

"Yes, well, It appears we have a giant piece of tuna, a woman, a stuck up little shit and an old man," I say, earning myself a glare from the blond. "Oh, and don't forget me." I add.

"Just what exactly are you?" The piece of tuna asks me. I turn to face him, eyes narrowing.

"You mean to tell me you walktzed in here without knowing what I am? Who I am? Or why I'm here?" He eyes me as if I'm about to take the last cookie and run. I grin, glad that I got under his skin.

"You're a tricky one, aren't you?" he mumbles.

"I suppose." I reply. I turn back to face the rest of this odd bunch. The tall feminine one with the long black hair is the next to speak.

"Your chakra is dangerously low," she says. It then dawns on me that she is a he.

"Well, yes," I say, still shocked by my recent discovery. "If I had chakra or magic power I wouldn't be here and you four certainly wouldn't be either."

"Magic power?" The old man finally speaks and I smirk. I got them now.

"Yeah. It's what allows me to do magic but this cage I'm in sucks it out of me—not so it'll kill me but just so I'm super tired all the time and can't use it." I tell them. The mean blond one listens with a wide eyes look of awe. He apparently has never heard of magic before.

"Interesting," The old man muses. His expression doesn't change—not that I can see his expression through that mask but I can tell he's thinking.

"I see why Pain wanted you. Let's get her out and see she gets back safely. You know the plan." The black haired one says. Tuna and blonde nod and disappear while the old man just grunts and walks a little way away.

I can barely hide the excitement coursing through me. I'm going to be free! Well, once I get away from these guys I will be.

A part of me wonders where the others are. You know, the people who seem to be locked in here with me. Are they waiting for the perfect time to strike or have they taken this chance to escape?

My cell door is blown off it's hinges and I lunge past the dark haired man. I start sprinting as fast as I can away from the four men. My legs haven't been used like this in what feels like a million years. I can hear them shouting angrily behind me but I'm so close to the exit I can barely hear them past the blood roaring in my ears.

As I reach my hand out towards the sunlight streaming in I am violently yanked back into the darkness. I hiss and claw at whatever I can.

I hear the blond growl in pain as I strike him across the face. He stumbles back, blood pouring from the wound.

"What the hell?" he yells, using he sleeve of his cloak to mop up the blood that matches the clouds on his coat.

"If you co-operate you will be freed!" The black haired man yells as I struggle to get away from the thing that has trapped me.

As soon as I know it I'm being dangled five feet in the air by the ankle. The entire world has been flipped turned upside down and I'd like to take a minute and sit right here and tell you how I became—moving on.

"As long as you keep your promise to free me when you are done with me." I grumble. I have the instinct to avoid looking the man in the eye. Thankfully I follow it.

A gravelly chuckle fills the air as I'm lowered to the ground.

"What a good girl you are," The old man says. I cringe away from him, allowing the black haired man to put on my handcuffs. I feel whatever magic power or chakra in me that I had regained fade away and I slump my shoulders in defeat.

The fish grabs my arm and begins leading me towards the exit. I can't help but think that I'm going to die. Then I remember I cannot die.


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