Chapter 30- Watson, John

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Millie's POV


The trucks stop outside a long, narrow building, surrounded by training camps and rows of parked tanks.


I oblige, and follow the guards to the entrance, my hands still held above my head in surrender. I'm pushed into a small room, lit by one narrow, gasoline lamp. Lined up against the wall is Sherlock, John, Emily and Moriarty, all portraying totally different ends of the emotional spectrum. John looks petrified. Sherlock looks interested. Emily looks angry. Moriarty looks bored.

I don't know what I feel.

We're in height order, so I'm pointed to the gap between Sherlock and Moriarty.

We stand in silence for a few minutes. Then the head officer walks in, followed by another two armed guards. He smiles at us, his eyes deadpan, and begins speaking in perfect English-

"Welcome. I am Sgt. Mao XenLin. I trust you know why you're here."

Our unanimous, cold silence provides him with a suitable answer.

"Well, I'm sure you are aware of the recent communications between our country and yours. Specifically, Mycroft Holmes, and the ministry of defence. You are related?" he asks, nodding briskly at Sherlock.


"We were informed that an individual extracted confidential information on members of our government," he says, looking at us all. Emily's expression doesn't change. "No-one can see that information. We asked Mycroft Holmes to arrange their swift elimination. He did not comply. He refused to give us the name of that individual. Which is why you are all here today."

"You brought us out to China to execute us?" asks Sherlock.

"Not all of you. We did research, Mr. Holmes. We looked into the most politically involved individuals of recent times. James Moriarty in particular. He has, shall we say, an international reputation." 

Moriarty raises his eyebrows in mock surprise.

"We then extracted the names Holmes and Watson. Further data retrieval brought Shon to our attention. And finally," he says, walking up to Emily. "Recent court trials highlighted your name, Miss. Schott."

"And so you brought us to China with the belief that you can seek out your criminal and destroy them," finishes Sherlock, unblinking.

"Very good."

"How can you be sure that it is one of us? It's a bit unprecedented, this...excursion," I say.

"We're not. But, given your global status, I am sure one of you knows something about our situation," he says, with a shark-like grin, "Will you speak now, and prevent to inevitable?"

We're all silent.

He nods. 

"Very well. I shall show you to your cells. You shall remain in our custody until you speak."

And he gives a command in rapid Mandarin.

We are all approached by guards men, who roughly remove coats and jackets and scarves, and begin searching us. They retrieve phones and wallets and collective flight tickets- but nothing from Moriarty. This strikes me as odd. Why would he turn up completely unarmed?

We're then guided down a long corridor to two cells. Sherlock and Emily are directed to one. Moriarty and myself to another. I watch as John is stopped by a soldier.


He stares at us, and is pointed in the direction of a room opposite our two cells.

Side of the Angels ~ A BBC Sherlock Fanfiction {Book II} *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now