Chapter 52- Violent Unison

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Emily's POV


I want to just stay here, in this painless and continuous darkness that suppresses both emotion and reason; a natural Novocaine. 

But they're going to die.

I clench my fists against the floor I can't see, seeking support, and hear myself groaning in pain as the first stings of agony pound the back of my head. I've got to do this. I can't let them die, not now, not at Moriarty's hands. 

They deserve better.

I open my eyes.

The pain is almost blinding. But I force through it, and look around, pushing myself heavily into a standing position. There's no-one here. I can hear Millie's sharp exhale sharply in shock, and then it begins. The sound of fists against flesh, bone against concrete. I sway slightly, and grip the wall, blinking back a new wave of pain. I tentatively feel the back of my head; it hurts like hell, but there's no blood. Which means they weren't trying to kill me. Whoever they are.

I stagger to the stairwell, and am met with the sight of Millie, Sherlock and John furiously fighting three unfamiliar individuals. I'm about to join them, and offer what little resistance I have left, but I stop when I see Millie successfully knock out her attacker, kicking them down the stairs with uncharacteristic savagery. 


John spins the man in front of him with a sharp elbow across the shoulder, before punching him, hard, across the face, stepping back with military precision as the man slumps in an unconcious heap in front of him. And then there's Sherlock; moving with suprising speed and force, blocking and striking the woman attacking him. She's failing, caught off guard by his unexpected brutality, and he neatly finishes off his fight with a very Sherlock headbutt. He steps away and looks at her bruised face with disgust-


They look at eachother, ruffled and panting but otherwise unharmed, then all their faces silmultaneously break into wide grins, and they start to laugh. I smile, and am about to say something when the pain splits through my head with a resounding pulse, and the room flickers dangerously.


Millie's POV


She closes her eyes, gripping the damp concrete wall and gritting her teeth. Something is very wrong.

"John-" I begin, but he's already there, taking her arm and leading her away from the top of the stairs and into a less precarious position.

"Emily, what happened?"

She's regained control, and is trying to push John away-

"I was hit with a pipe. Knocked me out for a few seconds, but I'm fine, really. Trust me, I've been in worst scrapes."

"Let me see your head," says John, ignoring her protests and reverting into the military doctor.

"What? No-"

He simply twists her around, and moves her pony-tail out of the way, inspecting her head with caution.

"Just a nasty collision, by the looks of it. Nothing too serious. You might be concussed, I can't tell, but I think that's the least of our problems right now," he says.

"Well I can still remember why we're here, if that's anything to go by," she says, wincing as her pony-tail swings back into place, "So let's go with "I'm fine" and find Moran. How long do we have, Sherlock?"

Side of the Angels ~ A BBC Sherlock Fanfiction {Book II} *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now