Chapter 2- Blackmail

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Emily's POV


This looks about right.

I examine the black door with gold lettering: 221B. I consider knocking, but decide that it's unnecessary. I press the door open, and softly close it behind me.

There's someone downstairs, so I need to be careful. Woman, by the sound of it. Housekeeper? Landlady? I reach the apartment, and listen briefly at the door. I can't hear anything. I momentarily wrestle with my thoughts; is this really the right decision? I might be overestimating him. He could just lock the door, pin me down and call the police. But I don't think he will. And my instinct is rarely wrong. 

I open the door.

"We're not open for cases today. Goodbye."

"Sherlock," says the other man, glaring at the detective.

Sherlock Holmes is lying fully stretched out on a sofa, hands steepled, eyes closed. I ignore him, go to the empty armchair and sit down, crossing my legs and arms simultaneously. 

"Er... Can we... help you?" says the other man. I briefly scan my memories- this must be John Watson.

"No... not really. I'm not here with a case."

"Then get out," interjects Sherlock.

John sighs, and spins round on his chair to face me.

"Sorry, we're not taking-"

"I don't have a case for you."

"Then why are you here?" says Sherlock, not opening his eyes.

"My name is Emily Schott. Nice to meet you, Sherlock Holmes."

His eyes snap open.

He sits up, slowly, then studies me intently.

"Why are you here?" he says again, more carefully this time.

"Because, it has come to my attention that you've been investigating my recent activities. I'm asking you to stop."

His eyes narrow a fraction. 

"You've got quite the reputation, Emily Schott."

John blinks at both of us.

"Sherlock... explain?"

Without breaking eye contact, Sherlock opens his mouth, and begins speaking rapidly-

"John, meet Emily Schott. She used to be a detective. A good one too... judging by her perceptive abilities, look at the way she's observing, calculating, analysing... almost subconsciously. But you're not a detective any more, are you, Emily? No... she's a detective gone bad, John. Criminal. Left the business in 2001, no trace of her in the legal system since. She's been doing consultant work. A client gets in touch, and she hacks for them-"

"Hacks for them?!"

"Hacks. Gets into impenetrable security systems, destroys software, eradicates profiles, accesses top secret data, then stitches up her entry, so that she is virtually undetectable. Virtually. Tell me, Emily, did I miss anything?"

I consider. Then-

"No, that's everything. Very good. I'm impressed. You've been doing your research."


"So have I, actually. Would you like to hear?"

Sherlock raises his eyebrows slightly, and sits back, waiting.

Side of the Angels ~ A BBC Sherlock Fanfiction {Book II} *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now