Melinda May's Very Well Hidden Secret

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Melinda kept at Skye, goading her into fighting. Skye had refused to train with Melinda after she hit the mat for the one-hundredth time. 

"No, May, I'm not training with you ever again," Skye grumbled.

"Why not?" Melinda challenged. "You might beat me for once."

"I've beaten you before," Skye protested.

Melinda raised an eyebrow. "Then show me."

Skye stood up from her face down position on the mat and got into her stance. Melinda smirked at her and Skye realised she'd been baited.

"Asshole," Skye muttered.

Melinda chuckled and attacked. Skye dodged and returned the favour with blows of her own. Halfway through Coulson came in and yelled something to May, distracting her. Skye latched onto the opportunity and pounced on Melinda, sending her crashing to the ground.

Accidentally while she was reaching up to grab hold of Melinda's hands, Skye's fingers dug into Melinda's neck. Melinda froze and made a strangled noise. Skye stared at her in confusion before realising what it was.

"You're ticklish," she grinned.

"I am not," Melinda denied, shoving Skye off her.

"You are," Skye said although she didn't push.

When Skye took a step forward, Melinda barely managed to stop herself from taking a step backwards. This was Skye. Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz came into the sparring room, surprised to see Melinda backing away from Skye.

"Skye, stop it," Melinda tried.

"If you're not ticklish than why are you backing away?" Skye asked.

Melinda didn't answer. Ward burst in giving the distraction Melinda needed. She dodged around Skye and bolted out of the room.

"GET HER!" Skye yelled.

"Why?" FitzSimmons asked.

"Because I said so and you'll get a reward at the end," Skye snapped, already running after Melinda.

In the end, it was Coulson who caught Melinda. He found her in an empty hallway and smiled at her. She narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously and moved away from him. Right into Skye.

Skye shoved her to the ground and sat victoriously on Melinda's back.

"Skye!" Melinda yelped in a scandalised voice as fingers trailed under her tank top.

Coulson yelled for the others to hurry up and when they were all standing curiously around Melinda and Skye, she began.

"Skye, get the hell off me, you asshole," Melinda yelled.

"Language, May," Skye grinned, skimming her fingers along Melinda's sides. "We're only kids."

Melinda swore at her colourfully, making Coulson raise his eyebrows in surprise, and squirmed under Skye, batting weakly at her with her left arm as her right was trapped underneath her. Ward seemed about ready to walk away so Skye upped the ante. She dug her fingers in and slid her hands over Melinda's stomach, scribbling on her ribs.

Melinda yelped and then everyone got it. FitzSimmons crouched down to help, rolling Melinda onto her back so it was easier for them to tickle her. Melinda's back arched and she shrieked as Jemma dug her fingers under her knees. Fitz tickled Melinda's feet, pulling off her shoes and sitting on her knees so that she couldn't kick him.

"Stahahap! Skyyyyeeee," Melinda yelled. "Plehease! Hehehelp! Ward!"

Ward just smiled and grabbed hold of Melinda's hands, keeping her from pushing Skye off. Melinda tried to glare at them but the effect was ruined by the fact that she was laughing so much. Melinda shrieked again when Coulson's cold fingers found her armpits, scraping softly over the skin.

Melinda May, the Cavalry, SHIELD's most serious person, was laughing her head off.

"Stahahap ihit!" she screamed. "Plehahease!"

Melinda yanked her right hand free and shoved Skye off her. Having lost the weight on her hips, Melinda managed to struggle enough to get free of everybody. She quickly stood up and glared murderously at them. While she was trying to catch her breath, Skye tackled her again. Melinda fell hard on her side, unable to rid herself of Skye's grip.

"SKYE!" Melinda yelled.

Skye just grinned, lifted Melinda's tank top up and blew a giant raspberry on Melinda's stomach. Melinda squirmed, laughing her head off. Coulson made a mental note to record the security cameras for future blackmail.

"Nohaho," Melinda exclaimed. "Plehahase! Stohahop!"

Melinda howled with laughter until she cried. Skye's face split into a wide grin, pleased with her success.

"Kihihill yooouuu," Melinda choked out, thrashing wildly.

Skye nodded very seriously. "Of course, May. Your usual threats."

"Prohohomise," she wailed. "Cuhut yoouu up ahand buhurn yoouu!"

"Okay Skye, I think we've had enough fun with this new revelation today," Coulson said.

Skye pouted but stood up. Melinda didn't move, her chest heaving as she lay spread-eagled on the floor. Coulson sat her up and smirked when she jerked away from him suspiciously.

Skye saw though and dug her fingers into Melinda's sides one last time. Melinda jumped as if she'd been shot and glared.

Skye ran. Melinda gave chase and she was gone. 

Skye's screams echoed around the Bus for the rest of the day.

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