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Melinda nudged Skye. "Wanna spar?"

Skye grinned. Finally May had asked. "Yes."

"Be there in ten. I have to see some people," Melinda said, already walking off.

She met Skye in the Playground's gym seven minutes later. Melinda won the first round. And the second. And the third. And fourth and fifth and sixth. 

Skye called a break. "Water break!" she yelled just in case Melinda didn't hear her.

"Think over your strategies," Melinda offered. "Pretend I'm the enemy and you can't use your powers. How would you go about it?"

"I get enough crap about this from Ward. Please shut up. And I'd do this," Skye said, running at May. 

She feinted left and tried to jab under May's fists. It didn't work, as Melinda had anticipated it and jumped backwards. 

Suddenly an idea formed in Skye's head. 

"Can I use my powers?" she asked.

"Would you use them in a real fight?" Melinda asked.

Skye nodded.

"Then yes," Melinda said.

Skye grinned wickedly. She slowed the air molecules around Melinda and laughed at the outraged look she was giving her.

Skye surged forward and kicked Melinda in the stomach, pleased that she had finally gotten a good hit in, even if she was cheating.

Melinda winced. "Cheater," she mumbled, trying to get out of her prison.

Then Skye stopped the molecules from moving at all, trapping May in one spot. Melinda made an affronted noise as she found that she couldn't speak or make any noise unless her mouth wasn't moving. She lifted Melinda up, about a foot in the air.

Melinda glared. Skye smiled. 

"C'mon, May, fight back," she teased, releasing the air molecules around Melinda's head.

Immediately Melinda growled, baring her teeth at Skye. Skye took a picture of it. Melinda cursed her with such colourful language that a would have sailor blush. 

"Let me go, Skye," Melinda said through gritted teeth as she tried and tried to move.

"If you say I win," Skye smirked, trapping her head in one place again.

Melinda made a strangled noise that sounded a lot like "go to hell." Skye raised a disapproving eyebrow. 

"Mind your manners Melinda," she teased.

Melinda glared. Skye released her head and waited expectantly.

"Well? Two words, May," she said.

"Screw you," Melinda said, stubbornly looking away. 

Skye forced Melinda to look at her. Wrong two words, I'm afraid." Skye grinned wickedly. "There is an easy way to get out of this. Then we can go back to you kicking my ass."

Melinda ignored her.

Skye shook her head. "I'm gonna find some helpers. You stay here."

Melinda glared at her. 

Skye just grinned, winked and sauntered out of the training room. The further away she got the less control she had so she texted Coulson instead. He came almost immediately. 

When they got back to the training room, Melinda was gone. Not for long, though. Skye found her in the vents, struggling to keep moving. She dragged Melinda back. 

Coulson hid a smile as he watched Skye bait Melinda.

"Coulson, I need help. She's not saying I've won," Skye complained.

"Maybe because you're being mean?" he suggested.

She threw him a dirty look. "Am not. She tickled me to near death once and you just laughed. This is payback."

"If I remember correctly, you started that," Coulson said.

"Shut up if you're not going to be helpful," Skye said. "Now, May, if you refuse to say I win, I will pour coffee down your throat."

Melinda looked murderous. 

"Coulson, get me some coffee, will you please," Skye said.

He did.

Skye took the coffee and held Melinda's jaw in one hand. Melinda shook her head and closed her mouth tightly. Skye forced it open. The coffee scalded Melinda's throat as it made it's way down. She choked, gagging and tried to cough it back up.

"Swallow it, May," Skye grinned, not seeing the problem with her game.

Melinda shook her head frantically as Skye poured more down. The coffee dribbled down her chin. Her gag reflex helped her spit it out onto Skye's shirt. 

"Ew, May, that's disgusting," Skye grumbled. 

In retaliation she tipped the cup up and poured it all in Melinda's mouth. Her eyes widened and she choked, coughing and spluttering. 

"Swallow it, May. Swallow it and you can go. I won't even make you say I won," Skye grinned.

Melinda shook her head and retched violently, more coffee being spat out. She physically couldn't swallow it.

"Nngh," she protested as Skye clamped her hand over her mouth. "Mmrph!"

Coulson stepped forward. "Skye, maybe you should let her go," he suggested softly.

"But I'm finally beating her," Skye said.

"No, you're exerting your dominance over her. You two are friends; there's no need for you to act all dominant," he said. "Skye, let her go. That's an order."

Skye deflated but let Melinda go. 

Melinda collapsed to her knees and coughed, still choking on the coffee. Coulson crouched next to her, thumping her on the back to help her spit the coffee out.

When she leaned back on her heels and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, Skye reached out to rub her back. Melinda stiffened.

"I'm sorry, May. Didn't realise you physically couldn't have coffee. And for, you know, trapping you. Sorry," Skye apologised.

"It's fine," Melinda said, voice rough. "But if you ever do that, you'll find yourself with no hair and pink skin for the foreseeable future," she added.

Skye smirked. "If you can catch me."

Melinda snorted. "I'm faster than you anyway."

Skye grinned. "Not if I slow your legs down."

Coulson rolled his eyes and left the two to their bickering.

Maria Hill and Melinda May One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now