Fighting Off Family (more like enemies the way they're acting)

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Coulson's team were driving to New York to meet Fury at SHIELD HQ in New York when the gun went off. Melinda was already out of the van before Coulson had braked. They could hear her fighting. Ward joined her and was surprised to see her kneeling beside an unconscious woman who looked suspiciously like the Deputy Director. 

Melinda felt the woman's face and frowned, spinning around. She sprinted off leaving Ward behind in a trail of dust. When he found her again she was just finishing off the last guy. 

"Got em all. Better get back or Coulson will worry," she said, heading back to the car. 

Ward noticed she was holding her side tightly but he couldn't see much else as it was almost midnight. 

"You OK, May?" he asked.

"Fine," she replied.

"Yeah, right," he muttered.

She ignored him.

Coulson was waiting for them a few metres from where he'd braked. "Either of you get hurt?"

"No," Melinda answered for both of them.

"Yes," Ward corrected. "May did."

"Did not," she said, exactly like a five year old.

"Did," he replied.





"Both of you shut up!" Coulson shouted. "Ward, you better be telling the truth."

"She's holding her side," he supplied helpfully.

"May," Coulson warned.

"I'm not injured," she protested. 

"Would Maria and I call it injured?" he asked.

"You call bruised knuckles an injury," she mumbled sulkily. 

Coulson looked at her expectantly. "We're not going anywhere until you tell us where you're hurt."

"I'm not hurt," Melinda said.

"Ward, please," Coulson said.

Melinda tensed and shifted away from Ward, going to the back of the van next to Skye. The light from Skye's laptop screen showed blood staining through her T-shirt.

"She's bleeding," Skye announced.

Coulson's eyes narrowed. "Melinda May..."

Ward was in front of her now. Physically, he was stronger than her, but combat wise, she was better. If she just didn't let herself get pinned...

Ward launched himself forward, ducking under her fists. She quickly brought her knees up and kicked him in the chest, pushing him backwards into Simmons's seat.

"May, if you damage this van, I'll get Fury to ban you from flying for a year. Now stop being so goddamn stubborn and let us help you for once," he said crossly.

"Screw off, Coulson," she snapped, opening the door and climbing out.

Ward followed and wrapped an arm around her waist, lifting her off the ground by about twenty centimetres. She kicked uselessly as he carried her back inside and shut the door. Coulson locked them. Ward pulled her shirt off and held her so that Coulson could see her wound.

It was a bullet wound, straight through her large intestine. It hadn't come out the other side. Up and down her right side were purple and yellow bruises just starting to form.

Maria Hill and Melinda May One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now