Movie Night

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Skye, Fitz, Simmons, Ward, Phil and Melinda were having their fifth movie night with guests at the Triskelion. So far only Bobbi and Hunter had turned up but Phil said that a few of his friends were in the area and might turn up. They did. Halfway through Toy Story 2, the door opened and Natasha and Clint walked in with Maria. Clint was carrying popcorn, adding to the massive stash they already had. 

Natasha sat down beside Melinda and Bobbi, stealing a few kernels of popcorn. Melinda gave her a mock offended look and moved to sit beside Phil who was stretched out on a couch by himself. 

Maria sat down beside Skye on the bean bags who was trying to talk to Ward because Jemma and Fitz were chatting quietly in the armchairs about their new invention and it all went over her head. Ward was replying in monosyllable answers, intently watching the TV. Skye jumped at the chance to talk to another girl. Bobbi was too intimidating, May barely talked and Jemma babbled science rubbish.

Clint seated himself beside Hunter and the two watched the TV without talking to each other, although they occasionally butted in on Natasha and Bobbi's conversation. 

Melinda jumped as the door opened with a loud creak and sighed when it slammed shut. She got up and locked it thoroughly. Moving back to Phil, she jumped onto the spot right beside him and accidentally made him throw the popcorn bowl. Pieces of popcorn landed in Clint's beer bottle, even though he was on the other side of the room.

"Dammit," Melinda muttered, only to have Phil put his hand over her mouth so he could watch in peace without the kids learning swearing was OK from May.

Melinda glared at his hand. She licked it and then when he moved it away she bit down on the part of his hand just before the start of his thumb and after the wrist. 

"Jesus!" Phil said loudly.

Melinda smiled and leant away. Phil looked at her, eyes playfully angry. It came to her that perhaps she should not have bitten him. She swallowed nervously and quickly moved over to between Bobbi, Hunter and Clint. The two were building a mini Eiffel Tower out of popcorn. Melinda accidentally jostled Bobbi's elbow and she knocked it over.

"Melinda," they groaned.

"Sorry, sorry," Melinda said quickly. 

Both glared at her and she very quickly moved to Natasha who was busy trying to line up Clint's beer bottle with the TV. Melinda moving over to her so quickly startled her and her hand jerked, knocking the bottle onto the floor where it smashed. 

Natasha groaned and slumped back on the couch. "Me-el," she complained.

 Melinda winced as Natasha kicked her leg. She moved over to FitzSimmons who stopped talking and looked at her warily.

"Please get away from us, Agent May," Jemma said politely.

Melinda had the audacity to look offended. "Excuse you?"

"You've ruined everyone else's peace and quiet, you're not ruining ours," Fitz said loudly. Then he realised who he was talking to and blushed. "Sorry," he muttered.

"Perfectly alright," Melinda said, although she didn't move, instead hesitantly reaching out to touch what looked like a scrap of metal. 

Fitz didn't say anything so she picked it up. A buzz went through her fingers and she frowned. 

"What's it s'posed to do?" she asked.

"It should electrocute you but it's obviously not working," Fitz said.

"Oh, it is, but I was captured once and they tried to use electricity to get me to talk so now it doesn't bother me as much," Melinda said, fiddling with a screw.

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