Coming Home With Injuries

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Ward is HYDRA. Just letting you know. :)

Bobbi, Skye, Lincoln, Hunter, Fitz, Jemma and Coulson were all in the training room at the Playground. Melinda May was due in today. 

Skye and Lincoln were practising their powers, glancing at the door every two seconds. Fitz and Jemma were mock sparring with Coulson. Bobbi was punching away at a punching bag, Hunter three away from her.

No one noticed when the door opened except for Skye and Lincoln. Melinda motioned for them to keep quiet. With silent footsteps she snuck up behind Bobbi who hadn't yet realised. When she drew her fist back for another hit, Melinda grabbed her elbow and waist and spun her round.

Bobbi was already turning and Melinda realised her mistake too late. She ducked and Bobbi's fist came flying over her head. Melinda held onto Bobbi's elbow and aimed for her stomach. Bobbi twisted mostly out of the way, Melinda's fist brushing her side.

Ten seconds later, Melinda landed on her back. She let out a gasp as the air escaped her lungs and scowled up at Bobbi who was now straddling her.

"Did you seriously just flip me?"

Bobbi grinned. "You're the lightest person I've done that to."

"Do you usually lose to Bobbi?" Skye asked.

Melinda hesitated as she thought. "Not all the time. Half and half."

Bobbi grinned at Skye. "What she's not saying, is that she always falls for the same trick."

"Nooo!" Skye said, mock seriously, hiding a smile. "What kind of-" She looked curiously at Melinda. "Are you trapped?"

Melinda glared. "I wouldn't be if Bobbi wasn't so heavy."

"Strong is the correct term, I think you'll find, Agent May," Bobbi said casually.

"They mean the same thing. Now get off me," she growled, pulling at her wrists.

Bobbi tutted. "Say please," she grinned.

"Please get off me," Melinda said sarcastically, scowling up at her.

Bobbi twisted around to face the others. "What'd ya think? She sincere enough?"

Fitz and Lincoln stared in shock. Hunter smirked. Skye grinned. Coulson tried not to smile and ignored Melinda's almost pleading gaze.  

Finally Skye spoke. "May wasn't even bordering on sincere."

Melinda sent a betrayed look to Skye. Bobbi's eye brightened with mirth. "This your trainee, Mel? I like her."

Skye flashed Bobbi a wide smile. Melinda brought her forehead up as fast as possible, colliding with Bobbi's. Bobbi groaned and let go of one of Melinda's wrists to bring it up to her head. It wasn't much of an opportunity but Melinda used it all.

She jabbed her fingers into Bobbi's sides and smirked tightly as she jumped and struggled to control her expression. Melinda jerked her knees up and somehow managed to flip Bobbi over, using her own body as a propeller, landing on top of Bobbi. 

Melinda felt as surprised as everyone else looked. Bobbi looked up with her mouth in an 'o' shape. Then everything set in and she grinned with all her teeth, eyes sparkling wickedly.

Skye turned on her phone and started recording. Roughly five minutes into the fight a medic came in, having been requested to tell May to, and she quoted, "Get her ass to Medical now or she's being downgraded to Level 1."

She told Coulson who nodded and looked hesitant to actually break it up. Jemma took action, sticking two fingers in her mouth and doing her best New York taxi cab whistle. 

Maria Hill and Melinda May One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now