Chapter 20: The Start of Something New

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I opened my eyes up again and saw that Liam was looking up at me, “You’re beautiful you know that right?” I blushed and he stood up, cupping my face in his strong hands and placing a soft, thoughtful kiss on my lips. I smiled to myself and kissed him back, still unable to believe that the boy I had loved for so long might just love me back.


“My god, why don’t they just get together already and save the world the sexual tension.” We had gotten a far enough down the hallway for them not to be able to hear us when Harry called that out and then ran up behind me and jumped on my back as we shut the door, leaving them to sort out their growing list of problems. We all knew about ‘the kiss’ of course, they just didn’t know that we did.

Niall and I laughed, made jokes and goofed off all the way down the stairwell to the lower floors. Soon Harry joined us in our crazy race down the stairs and our incredibly loud howling laughter echoed and bounced off the concrete walls making them sound fifty times louder than they were intended to be. I looked up expecting to see Zayn in the same high spirits that we were all in but instead I was surprised to see him in, if possible, a worse mood than Liam had been up in the room earlier.

I slowed down my pace until he had caught up with me, but Niall and Harry just kept racing down the stairs; oblivious to the change in attitude of their other band mate. “So…” My voice trailed off and Zayn finally realized that I had caught on to his shitty attitude, which made him look abashedly down at his feet.

“Oh, hey Lou,” Zayn looked up and smiled but I knew him well enough to know that he was hiding something.


“Boo bear…” I laughed at his use of my ridiculous childish nickname but his smile faded soon after and brought my attention back to his moody facade.

“Zayn, you can either tell me what’s wrong now, or swear that you’ll tell me later because either way I’m not giving up till you tell me.” He gave me a look that I knew all too well but soon Zayn gave in like a little child admitting defeat after throwing a tantrum.

“Fine, fine, fine. It, it’s just the whole you know quitting thing is proving to be a bit harder than I thought.” I smiled encouragingly and tried to show him that we were all supportive of him while we walked down to catch up to the others who had stopped a few floors below us. We talked in hushed tones, until we got to them and as Harry and Niall turned to look at us I pat Zayn on the back, “We’re all here for you buddy.” He replied with a weak smile but the small pep talk seemed to have done the trick for now and he was back to his usual self by the time we got to the outside courtyard.


Ecstatic. Euphoric. Elated. I was over the moon with joy as I took Nora by the hand and began making my way towards the door. I was smiling the whole way down to find the boys and I had to keep reminding myself that this wasn’t a dream, she actually felt the same way about me, and that was more than I could have ever hoped for.

Our fingers were intertwined as we waited for the elevator doors to open, I bent down and quickly kissed her on the cheek before we made our way into the elevator. I was glad that no one else was in there because it was nice to be totally alone with her for a little while longer.

We only had to walk a little ways before we came to the familiar glass doors leading out to the courtyard and saw the boys already playing around with the football we kept under her bed. I think Nora noticed me staring at them and she let go of my hand and urged me to go join them.

“Are you sure? Cause I’ll stay with you if you want?” She shook her head and took a seat on a bench in the shade. Nora was already looking a bit worn out after everything today so she put up her feet and rested while we all let out some steam after a long and surprisingly stressful week.

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