Chapter 37: The Mind of the Media

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A/N: Hello ! Again I’m really sorry this has taken me so long but this is a pretty long chapter so I hope that will make up for it! And sorry if there are any problems with it, I haven’t had much time to proof read it yet so please let me know if there are any major issues with this chapter! It has been amazing seeing what a huge response my last chapter got so please let me know what you think of this one too! Thanks and happy reading! :) xx


Only this time I knew there wouldn’t be a bubbly boy with golden eyes and a heartbreaking smile sitting in the bed waiting for me. This time I didn’t get my hopes up to see Xavier there because he was gone, and this was just another agonizing reminder of his painful absence from what was left of my life. 


I blocked out the familiar numbing feeling creeping through my body and kept my head held high as I passed by. While I was distracted for the rest of the night I was still determined not to go down the same pitiful path I always did whenever I got too emotional. This time I didn’t give in and I suffered in silence as I fell asleep on the small cramped bed and in the morning, when our few belongings were gathered up, I didn’t say a word about Xavier. After I had been given the all clear my discharge papers were signed. Once again by Louis, who would act as my legal guardian until I was well again, which under the current circumstances, I doubted would ever happen.

I tried to keep a smile on my face though as we passed by the familiar nurses while I was wheeled down the halls but I knew the boys saw through my feeble attempts to hide my pain and I wished nothing more than to be able to shelter them from the constant hardships that came with being part of my life.

“Goodbye! Thank you!” Once again I was taken out the back door of the hospital to the car where Louis was waiting to drive us back home. I waved goodbye to Nancy and just before we pulled away she grabbed something out of her coat and ran forward, luckily Louis realized in time and stopped so we could roll down the window. She pressed the piece of paper into my hands and I looked down to see that it was another ultrasound picture. “And there are copies for the boys in here.” She handed me another small envelope and I smiled, thanking her again as she turned and walked away, disappearing down the hallway as we pulled out, the boys happy to finally be out of the confined walls of the hospital. It wasn’t long though before we were back outside the towering apartment block and we all decided to meet at our place in half an hour to leave for our interview.

Unsure of what would be appropriate for something like this I quickly phoned Eleanor who always seemed to be dressed perfectly for every occasion. She spent half the time making sure I was all right and saying how sorry she was that she hadn’t been able to visit. After reassuring her that I was fine though I ran her through the limited things in my closet and in the end we decided on an outfit we had picked out just yesterday before it had all fallen apart. When I was finally ready and had put on minimal makeup, but enough to make it look like I had made an effort, I stepped out into the main room and saw that all the other boys were waiting patiently. Liam stepped forward and gave me a reassuring half hug and a soft kiss on the lips, causing the baby to nudge me slightly as the usual butterflies spread through my skin.

“Alright well let’s get going, the studio isn’t too far away but we’re meeting Paul and the team down in the basement for security and crowd control.” I grabbed my small bag and glanced over to see that Harry had taken the liberty of setting the small scrapbook open on the kitchen counter. The boys had obviously been looking through it while they waited and I found it sweet that they took the time to appreciate their fans’ hard work.

“Nora! Good to see you’re feeling better!” Paul’s smiling face beamed down at me as we stepped out of the elevator. His large hand gave me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before giving up and covering me in one of his usual warm hugs. Paul was my favorite out of the boys’ security team and it was his infectious smile and good sense of humor, which made him get along with the boys so well.

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