Author's Note

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Before we begin I'd like to say a few things:

•This story is for all genders so I refer to the reader with they/them pronouns, but I think females would relate more.
•2-D, Murdoc Niccals, Noodle, Russel Hobbs, basically anything Gorillaz does not belong to me. The band belongs to Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett.
•This story takes place in phase 1-2, and I am aware some Demon Days songs are mixed in with phase 1.
•I don't think I'll add too much swearing in this book, I know, it's Gorillaz and it's full of those, but I dunno it's not me to write something like this.
•Yes I do know it's just 'Gorillaz' and not 'The Gorillaz'
•I would like this story to take place in the time where you were at school. If you're already working (or homeschooled) consider this something done in the past, atleast It's in the earlier phases, that way you can relate.
•This is not an X Reader. I'm sorry, but this isn't the right place for you if you're looking for one. I just thought of creating a story with the reader hanging out with the Gorillaz without all the love stuff. :))))
•Dont kill me on how I write 2-D's accent okay? I'm​ not all British and don't live there anymore so I'm sorry if It sucks.
Bold paragraphs that are not used in messaging is a part of the story for guys. Bold and underlined paragraphs not used in messaging is a part of the story for girls.

Quick Legend:
Y/N= Your Name
M/N=Your Middle Name
L/N= Your Last Name
Y/A= Your Age
Y/C= Your Country (If it's England, I'll put an asterisk for the parts you will have to change to [Your City])
D/N= Dad's Name
M/N= Mum's Name
E/M= Your E-mail, or make one up
F/SG= Your Favorite Song By Gorillaz
F/S= Your Favorite Song That is NOT by Gorillaz
F/S/A= The Artist Of Your Favorite Song That's Not By Gorillaz
Y/S= Your School
F/F= Your Favorite Food
F/Ch= Your Favorite Cartoon Character
F/JF= Favorite Food From Japan
F/C= Your Favorite Color
P/N= Your Pet's Name
P/S= Your Pet's Species (e.g. dog, cat, rabbit)
2F/B= Favourite band other than Gorillaz (Mine's Green Day lol)
Basic Japanese Sentences/Phrases by Noodle:
Ohayou= Good Morning/Hello
Oyasumi= Goodnight
[Name]-san= Mr./Mrs./Ms. [Name]
Nani o shi teru no?= What are you doing?
Bideo o kurikkushitekudasai!= Click on that video!
Yamete!= Stop!
Karera wa sō itta!= They said so!
Īe= no.
Asoko= over there
Arigatou gozaimasu= Thank you (polite way)
Arigatou= Thank you/Thanks

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