Chapter 11: The Show

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(A/N: Hey guys, so I'll be changing how the asterisk works for just this one chapter. So, when you see it ignore the first two sentences that goes with it if your second favourite band is centered to a genre that Murdoc likes. Go Google what he likes I'm too lazy to type it in xD)



"Guys, get ready, and wear something presentable for once?" Russel prepared packing his drum set. I raced to the shower and finished in seven minutes. I brought my clothes there already and wore them as soon as I finished. They were denim pants and I plain red statement shirt that read 'british moron'. (A/N: I adore you if you get where that reference is from) I knew I was supposed to look good but I'm really just at the corner of the stage. When I got out I already saw everybody dressed. I suppose they took a shower beforehand. Their clothes don't look that formal. Which was great since if not I'd be the only one looking like a dweeb up there.

Everyone got in a car this time, where the back is where they put their instruments. They told me earlier they had a huge keyboard in there so I didn't need to bring the one back here. I had to bring other stuff though, which sucked. Just in case. So I brought a small Moleskin sketchbook and a loaded 0.7 mechanical pencil... and of course my phone. I put them in a drawstring bag with a [2F/B] design on it. "Do ya really need that thing with you tha' whole time?" Murdoc glared at me. I tried to make my point without looking rude "Y-yeah... Just in case I get bored before the show starts, y'know?".

Well too bad I had just realized I'd be practicing the whole time too. Still though. I'm not leaving without things like these, I never do.

Murdoc started driving. He said we'd be there in about fifteen minutes. I literally couldn't contain myself, Gorillaz will perform with me. Plus, my friends will get to see me. They told me they're in the third row so that'd be perfect. While I was thinking about that I heard a faint voice from 2-D. "Y/N, Y/N..?!" He was probably calling my attention for a while, I had zoned out again. Ugh, I hate it when that happens. "Oh, sorry. Yeah?". "We were askin' yew wha' your favourite band is. 'Phat's still alive o' course." He asked. I was kinda confused why they'd be asking that, but whatever. "Uhhmm, I'm guessing besides you guys? Well... It'd have to be 2F/B. Why..?" God, 2F/B. That's a great one. Whenever I'm not listening to Gorillaz it's them. *"Your music sucks, Y/N." Murdoc said with a blank expression. Well screw you too Mudz. I questioned them again, because nobody answered me. "Ehhh... nuthin'. Jus' wonderin' y'know." 2-D tried replying without sounding too obvious for... Something. I just shrugged and took my sketchbook out to draw. It was really dark, considering the concert starts at seven. I just used my phone to lighten it up a bit. I didn't want my vision getting more blurry, my eyesight is enough.

I was drawing an electric guitar that I designed myself. It was black with a few stickers of bands I like or graffiti ones. I'll just colour it when we get back. "Pretty..." Noodle looked at my drawing. I just smiled and said 'thanks'. Just then, Russel told us we have reached ( place in your country where concerts are held). I shoved my things in the drawstring and tightened the bag.

I was in between Noodle and Russ so they got out first. I moved out shortly and went to the venue. It was huge. Didn't know Y/C liked Gorillaz so much.

We started practicing for the last time, then things got started when fans came. First song was 19-2000, funny, I thought 5/4'd be first, it said in the list. Well that kinda sucked because that meant I'll do my part so quickly. I didn't know to start, luckily Russel tapped his drumsticks together to signal me. I started playing and once the crowd heard the instrumental the were cheering. 2-D started singing and so did the audience. Cool, he didn't ask anyone to sing and they did. People here are really boring, looks like they're having the time of their lives right now. I was at the right side playing, my friends couldn't see me, but I sure as hell could see them. I turned down the volume and when Noodle spoke, them turned it back again as her and the crowd chanted "Get the cool, get the cool shoeshine." The energy was everywhere. "We'll be here all night, Y/C!" I heard 2-D shout into the mic.

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