Chapter 3: A Little Talk

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"Is tha' kid guna be okay...?" 2-D asks frightfully. "Could ya stop worrying, Dee?!" "You're pressuring." Murdoc tells him. You try breaking free, I mean, the oxygen was limited in there. The voices you heard were a bit muffled from the bag, but you knew they were men. "Okay, Layla was clearly joking when they said my parents approve of this, if not, my parents hate me right now." That was the thought that kept occuring in your head.

About ten minutes later you were let out by 2-D. As he untied the sack you were greeted by him "Hi Y/N, sorreh fo' kidnappin' yew an' all, 'ah yew oka--" he was interrupted by a punch in the nose from you. When you had your head up, you saw the four Gorillaz band members, then you realized you had just punched your idol in the face. "Oh God, oh God, oh God, I am so sorry, 2-D! I got scared and haven't seen the light the whole ride!" You said pleading for forgiveness. "Is' okay, I'm fine... Have ya seen Murdoc lately though?" He said laughing. Murdoc got pissed "Oi, bettah watch yo' mouth o' you're gonna get anotha' one'a those!" 2-D had his arms in front of him ready for what's coming to him. "Was 2-D always that sensitive?" You laughed at that thought.

You realized they've got an apartment in *Y/C for the concert, you've been here before when your house was under construction. "You go change in 2-D's room, make yourself at home." Russel says handing your bag.

After you got dressed you overheard the band talking about ylou. "Seriously, Russ, 'ah yew sure we're gonna let that thing live a' Kong with us?! They could literally break 2-D in a minute." Murdoc ranted. "Well, they seem kinda nice fo' 'ah newcomeh', they're probably jus' shy o' somefink." 2-D defends you. "They look kinda fun!" Noodle says cheerfully in her sweet Japanese accent. Russel instructs "You'll be sure to bring 'em back home after the tour." Everybody nods.

It's not everyday you meet your favourite band because of your best friend while your parents allow you to stay with them, but end up with them hating you, so you felt pretty messed up. "If only I knew who I hit in the face before that..." You complain.

"I'm gonna go talk to 'em." 2-D told the band members.

He walked up to his room to see you already dressed, drawing people in your sketchbook. On the floor. "There's a table here. Yew kewd draw there if yew'd laik." 2-D offers. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks, though. And sorry about earlier" You smiled. By looking at your drawings 2-D thinks you're a really imaginative kind of guy. Your drawings looked beautiful on the outside but there was always a deeper meaning to it that nobody knew. It just sort of felt personal and you thought nobody would understand, anyway. "What're yew drawing about, kid?" You felt that you didn't want to respond, but you did. "It's nothing really, just some about messed up stuff that's been happening lately." Your drawing had you and your [siblings/cousins] and your pet as kids watching the sunset on the roof. On the next page, it had the same people but this time your pet wasn't with you, you guys were also standing on a different and far house, watching the sunset while your house was being destroyed. He didn't want you to go through explaining all that, so he tried his hardest to get your idea. "But you know, I still strive my hardest to be the confident one, I've got music and art to go with me." And he smiled

He walked up to his room silently, peeking through the door crack seeing you playing the guitar that he just put in his room for display "Windmill, windmill for the land, turn forever, hand in hand..." You sang. 2-D didn't want to look rude, so he knocked silently before coming in. He let himself in to see you playing the guitar version of Feel Good Inc. You were absolutely frightened and hid the guitar under the blankets, it was useless, he heard and saw everything. "You'e quite the singa'." 2-D laughs. You stutter "Uh, y-yea, it's been my thing for a while n-now. Also sorry for earlier..." He replies "Is' okay, really. And yea, we 'soh yo' video on tha' internet." and he continues "Won of ya favourites frum us was Feel Good Inc., why's that, love?". You thought about Feel Good Inc. so much that you've found its meaning: artificial happiness. Everyone shows you not to worry about life, but you can't help it, you'll be graduating Middle School/ Highschool/College in a while and it just gets harder. You didn't feel like growing up, but you're expecting to have a big smile on your face during your graduation. "I'd like to think that the song talks about how we're forced to just accept the present or what's coming to us. I remember as a kid I'd just play with my cousins/siblings and my P/S all day and watch the sunset. Well, it's a whole lot harder now, considering some conditions *Y/C's going through nowadays." "I've heard 'bout that, love. And I'm happeh you're going 'frew all o' this smoothly." He said with pride. "But you know, I still strive my hardest to be the confident one, I've got music and art to go with me." And he smiled.

"Heh, fanks fo' the brief storeh', kid. I'll be off wi' the others fo' a while, you could try out the guitar a bit more if you'd like." 2-D said and you nodded.

2-D walked in to the living room to update the band members "So? How'd it go?" Russel asks. "Well, it looks 'tah me Y/N's been thru sum stuff. They say it's nothing​ at all but 'ah kinda--." And as always, 2-D gets interrupted by the bassist "C'mon, Faceache jus' tell us already!" "Look, Mudz, the kid misses tha' past, they say the days we' brighter and all 'phat." He said to Murdoc. "Misses the past?! Whad'ya mean misses tha' past?! 2-D, everything changes, tell them that. They cou' live in thei' fantasy drawing or singing ou' songs all day, but it's not guna change anything. Blimey, kids 'ah just so problematic these days. Russ why'd we have to pick her/him now anyway?!" "Murdoc you're too much! Tha's a kid right there yew know?! You're probably like 'phis jus' becuz of your horrible past!" 2-D fought back. Murdoc was furious by now. He could hit him right now but he's not willing to know what Russel's going to do and what Noodle would think of him. "YAMETE!" Noodle said and everybody froze. "I'm going to my room."

"Mudz I can't believe you. What'd they ever do to ya anyway?" Russel sighed. "Talk to him/her later, they're probably listening."


A/N: Hey guys, sorry if the past was super dramatic but I kinda wanted to put some backstory to the Reader. Most of the time I don't like doing that since it kinda limits you to "be yourself" in the story. Sorry 'bout that. I'll be sure to never do something like this next time.

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