chapter 5

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(A/n: again I am so sorry about the hold up and if your new here go to the first one which is in my old account _Death_Smile_ well let's get to the chapter!)

Y/n's POV:
*yawn* I was wake from the sun shine shining on my face. I looked at what time it was 6:30am was on the clock. I guess I woke up early.

I stood up from my bed and took a bath. I put on my (f/c) long sleeves and my brown shorts. I looked at my desk and remembered that I still have to give Wallabee his pen back.

I took the pen and walked out of my room I walked to the kitchen when *bumped!* I bumped into someone. I fell but a hand kept me from preventing falling. I looked at the person who bumped me and it was numbuh 1.

"Oh I am so sorry (Y/n) are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah I'm fine and it was my fault I wasn't looking where I was going"
"No don't blame yourself we both didn't saw who was coming" he smiled.

I giggled and he blushed. Wait why did he blush? Did I said something weird? Oh forget it.

"I better be going now" I said.

But he held my hand. I looked at him with a confused look.

"Is there something wrong Numbuh 1?" I asked.
"I uh..."

I was waiting for an answer when...

"Awwww!!! That is so cute!"

I looked at the voice and saw that it was numbuh 3. She was doing a lovey dovey pose.

"You two looked good together!" She squealed.

Numbuh 1 was blushing hard but why? He let go off my hand and walked away. But he hasn't told me why he did that.

Numbuh 3 ran and hugged me. She was squealing and fangirling on me and numbuh 1.
I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen I took a cereal box and 2 bowls and spoons and gave  Kuki hers and started putting some cereals and milk in the milk was on the table and still cold so it was good to eat.

"(Y/n) do you love numbuh 1?" She asked.
"Nah we're just friends" I replied.

Then I heard a voice I turned around and saw no one I shrugged it off and continued eating my cereal.

Wallabee's POV:
I was walking to the kitchen when I saw numbuh 1 holding (Y/n)'s hand and Kuki fan girling.

"What's he up to?" I mumbled.

Then numbuh 1 let go and walked away blushing. Oh I get it he have a crush on her! I can't believe it!

After Kuki hugged (Y/n) they went in the kitchen. I tip toed to the door and made sure I wasn't seen now this is the time to listen to what girls think. Ugh I don't do this all the time but I have to.

"(Y/n) do you love numbuh 1?" I heard Kuki asked.
"Nah we're just friends" (Y/n) replied.

I let out a loud YES and (Y/n) turned around at first she was curious but then just shrug it off I let out a sight of relief.

"Now what are you doing?"

I turned around and saw numbuh 5 crossing her hand looking at me like I did something.

"Oh let me guess you eavesdropped on numbuh 3 and 6 to know what they're talkin about" she guessed.

I tried smiling innocently but failed. She smirked.

"Come on let's just get in" she pushed me in.

Kuki and (Y/n) looked at us. I was just looking on the ground.

"Hey Wally hey Abby!" Kuki said cheerfully.
"Sup" (Y/n) said.
"I'll tell you what's up Wal-" I cutted numbuh 5 and dragged her out with me.

(Y/n) an Kuki exchange looks then back to us in curiosity. When they were out of sight I glared at numbuh 5.

"Now tell me what's the meaning of this didn't you tell her what you felt?" Numbuh 5 whisper yelled.
"No I haven't I was too shy" I blushed looking away.
She facedpalmed and looked at me. "Fine I won't tell her but you gotta tell her sooner!"
"Alright alright FINE!"

I walked back to the kitchen and seated next to (y/n). She gaved me a bowl and I putted cereal in it.

"Oh yeah numbuh 4 here's your pen back" she handed me my pen.
"Oh thanks" I replied happily.

Then Abby came and seated next to Kuki.

"So numbuh 5 what are you going to tell us?" Kuki asked.

Oh no... She looked at Kuki eating a sandwich that (Y/n) made (reader chan how do you do things so quickly?)

"Oh I forgotten it" she replied back.
"Oh OK!"

I sight d finished my cereal.

"KIDS NEXT DOOR TO THE MEETING ROOM NOW!" Numbuh 1 voice boomed from the speakers.

Great what a does he want? I finished my cereal and we all ran to the meeting room. I hope it isn't the delightful dorks!
Sup guys well I know this is Cliff hanger but don't worry I will update as fast as I can

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