chapter 12

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A/N: OMG thanks guys for the 302 reads this is awesome! And for the gift I'll make any request u guys want but now let's get to the chapter!
<( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄)*

(Y/n) 's POV:
I was lying on bed still looking at the note. Tomorrow is the bal what am I going to wear? I thought.
Just then Kuki came in she was wearing her usual green sweater and a green earmuff and some brown boots.

"Hey (y/n)  wanna go dress shopping with me for the bal? " she asked.

I nodded and took my purse and we walked out the room.


Me and Kuki was in a store she was looking a perfect dress for me she dragged me to a changing room and told me to stay.

"Here put this on" she shove me a million of dresses.

I grabbed them and one by one put them on.

"Too lose , too shiney, too emo, too nerdy too glitery too weird" she commented as I wear the dresses.

After wearing almost all the dresses only one was left.
(You can pick between this two cause their both cute)

 (You can pick between this two cause their both cute)

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I put it on and walked out of the changing room

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I put it on and walked out of the changing room. Kuki smiled and clapped her hands.

"That's perfect!!" She squealed.

I smiled and took it off then it was kuki's turn she picked out a pink dress with rainbow monkey snowflakes designs.

We paid the dress and walked home as we we're walking Kuki started talking about random things then she got to the topic I don't wanna talk about.

"Who's gonna be your partner in the bal? " she asked.
I smiled. "Ace is my partner"
She fangirled "omg omg omg SHIPED!!! "

everyone that was walking around us looked at us.

"Uh don't you people have anything to do? " I shyly asked.

They all continued minding their business while I tried making Kuki stop squealing.

When we got to the tree house it was already 4:30pm the bal starts around 5:40pm. I walked to my room and took a shower so I don't smell bad on the bal.
After the bath I walked to the mirror and put some light make up on me and some accessories.  Walked to my dress and put it on.

I sigh as I looked to the mirror I looked good on this dress and spinned around and smiled at it.

"(Y/n)  time to go! " numbuh 2 said as he knock my door.
I looked at the time it was 5:34pm.
"I'm gonna walk to the party you guys go on without me" I told him.
"If you say so" he said and I heard him walking away.

I sigh and sat on my bed I took the book that was lying on it and took the letter. I read it and smiled.
I took my purse and phone and left.

As I was walking someone lied a hand on my holder I flinched and looked at the person it was Ace.

"Hey there shouldn't you be with your friends?" He asked.
"Oh I told them that they should go on cause I was doing something" I said.

He smiled and we walked to the bal.

"Do you like me too? " he asked.

I went completely silent on his question. Do I like him too?  I thought. I frowned.

"Hey don't be sad it's it's okay just think about it for a little I know you're gonna return the feelings too now turn that frown upside down" he said.
"What if I don't " I said.
He got shocked but smirked "well I guess I better steal you from him"

I shiver ran to my spine on what he just said. We arrived in where the bal was located and we walked inside he held my hand and smiled.

I looked at the decorations it was so fancy all the food was also fancy and the people are wearing fancy clothing actually it was kids.

We walked around.

"Are you thirsty my dear? " he asked.

I nodded and he walked off to get a punch. Just then the dance started.

"May I have this dance? " I turned to see who it was and numbuh 1 was there.
"Of course " I played along.

He puts his left hand on my waist and the other on my hand. We danced with the rhythm.

"You look beautiful tonight" he said.
"You look dashing tonight too" he spun me around and dip.

I smiled at him and he leaned in but before our lips touch someone grabbed me and pulled me away from him. I looked at the person and it was Ace.

"Why are you with him?" he asked with his teeth gritting.

I gulp and he glared at numbuh 1. Numbuh 1 return the glare he dragged me away from him then we stopped at a corner.

"Why are you with him ain't I your date?! " he whisper yelled so we won't get any attention.
"He asked me on a dance so I-"
"I DON'T CARE!! " he roared.

Everyone stared at us.  I back away but he grabbed my arm and glared at me.

"Ace you're hurting me" i told him.

I was shock then I glared back at him I forcefully pulled back my arm.

"Why?! " I shouted.
"NO one owns me BUD now back off! " I yelled at him

He was about to hit me when a hand block him it was Nigel.

"Hitting a girl is off limits now back. Off" he warned.

He held my hand and we walked away from the scene.
We walked to the balcony and he let me sat on a bench.

"I'm tired" I said holding back tears.
"I'm more tired" he said.
"Of what? "
"Of holding back this feelings from you" he said.

I look at him with shock. He then unexpectedly hugged me with tears coming out.

"From the first time I met you I started having feelings for you I just don't know how to tell you" he said.

I was so shock that I froze. He then released the hug and look at me he rub his tears and held both of my hands.

"Tell me who do you like?" he asked.
"I-I don't know N-Nigel I'm confused" I told him.

He nodded and stood up he walked to the door and was about to leave when he stopped at the frame.

"Just tell me when you like me back" he didn't turn around he said that with his back facing me.

He left me speechless. I looked at the stars it was the only thing that comforted me the only thing that never left me when I was a kid.

I sigh.  Why am I so confused?

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