chapter 14 ((chose who?))

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(Y/n) 's POV:
I was on the couch with Abby. She was reading magazines and I was reading some comics.

"So (Y/n)  who are you gonna pick?" She asked.
"What do you mean? " I asked.

She stopped reading her magazine and looked at me.

"You need to pick between Numbuh 4 and Numbuh 1" she said.
I blushed "can't we be friends only?"

She shook her head and facepalmed along with a sigh.

"(Y/n)  you can't just leave those two hanging you gotta pick eventually" she said.

Just then it snapped me...who am I gonna pick? What will happen to the other? 

"Earth to (Y/n)  Earth to (Y/n)  do you copy? " she said snapping her finger in front of my face.
"Yeah Roger that" I said.

She chuckled and sat down next to me holding her magazine then continued reading.

"Ya know numbuh 5 thinks that you need to pick one of them fast they've been acting strange lately" she told me.
"I don't know numbuh 5 I don't know" I said continue reading our comics.

She suddenly chuckles I looked at her with a puzzled face she then look at me and smiled.

"Don't worry I just then remember how we met you the fact that you kicked our butts and how you agreed being a kids next door and now here we are reading magazines and stuff" she said.
"Heh. Yeah... " I frowned.
"Hey what's the matter? " she asked.
"I just missed my parents and how they would care for me until they have business trips to go and how I was treated like dirt from my brother " I told her.
"Hey it's ok at least you have us now" she said.

I smiled weakly and nodded.


I was on the couch winter already left giving us summer back. I wore some (f/c)  tank top and brown shorts and converse. I tied my hair to a bun and walked down stairs seeing everyone on the couch doing nothing.
Just then I got a call I looked at the I.D caller it was from my (caring lovable*sarcasm*) brother.
I answered it.

"Hello? "
"What do you need Carl? "
"Well you see mom is coming over to check on us and she said when she comes back she'll be arraging a party for your birthday"

I walked to my room and whispered.

"My birthday? "
"Oh don't tell me you forgotten your birthday brat?! "
"Ok I'm coming there "

I hung up and walked back to the living room I plop down on the couch upside down between Kuki and Abby.

"Guys I'm gonna go home today it's very important" I told them
"No I'm not leaving!  Mom's just coming home and wanted to check on me that's all" I told them.

I can't tell them about the party yet it'll be a surprise.

"Oh well ok see you later then" numbuh 2 said.

I nodded and walked to the exit.


I arrived at my house been a year since I got back. I walked to the door and knocked.
I heard running and my brother opened the door.

"See!  I told you she's fine! " he shouted and let me in.

Mom came running downstairs. When she saw me she hugged me real tight.

"Thanks the heavens you're here! " she said .
"Yeah heh. " I said.

She then look at me.

"What happened to your politeness and where have you been?! " she asked worriedly.
Oh yeah my polite accent!
"I'm fine mother just a little tired from the outside" I said.

She nodded and then held her purse.

"Come on now dear let's go shopping! " she said.

We walked to her car and she drove us to the mall. We walked in and I dragged her to (fav. Clothes store) and she started finding me clothes for her present. She then found (fav clothes)  that I always wanted even if it was so expensive she still bought it for me.
Then she started buying decorations for the party and bought (f/f)  cake for me.

TIME SKIP (author Chan needs to sleep too ya know!)

We got home and mom told my brother to set up the decorations while I watch him get tired.
After he was done he was panting alot of course being a polite girl I am I gave him water.

"Uh thanks? " he said.

I smiled at him and walked away (like a BOSS ops tired ness gave me that but too lazy to delete) i sat on the couch criss cross and knew the party will be held on dawn. I texted my friends and told them to invite people on a mission in my house.

I looked at the time it was 5:42pm well time to send it. I pushed the send button and waited for them after like 30 seconds they came in crashing at the door.

"(Y/n)  what's the problem?!" Numbuh 1 worriedly asked.

They looked at me with an awe until they saw that it was my birthday. They greeted me then the party started.
Good thing we have a pool cause it was so hot! And mom brought so much food for everyone.

"Thanks for inviting me numbuh 6"

I turn around it was numbuh 86. I smiled and hugged her.

"Thanks for coming" I said.
"Of course I came I don't want me best friend in trouble do I " she said.

We laughed and chatted a bit until someone tapped my shoulder.
I turn around it was.....

Sup guys.
Well I'm sorry cause the story will end soon and well you gotta chose so yeah whether you like numbuh 1 or numbuh 4 and who wanna add Ace in the option? So I know if I would add him in.
Well gotta go bye!!!!!

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