chapter 17 (Ace)

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(Thought i would just make one since well forgot it 😓 sooooo sorry)
(Y/n)'s POV:
I turn around and saw someone I never knew I would see again... Ace the guy who embarrassed me in public.

"Hey (Y/n) can we talk outside for a bit? " he asked.

I turn around to numbuh 86 she was glaring daggers at him. I then face him and nodded numbuh 86 held my wrist and looked at me with concern then anger.

"Are you out of your MIND?! " Numbuh 86 exclaimed.
"I'm just gonna talk to him for a bit" I said.
"Fine but if that idiotic boy hurts you call me" she said as she get me go.

I hugged her and walked off with him. When we got out he held my wrist and started walking it was cold so I shivered a little he noticed it and gave me his jacket I said thanks and we walked in silence again so broke it.

"So what do you wanna tell me? " i asked.
He looked down and puts his hands in his pocket. "I'm so sorry about what happened in the ball I just got mad and...didn't controlled myself so I started yelling in rage" he apologized still hanging his head low.

We stopped under a street light it was a little dark but the light of the pose made it a little bright. I looked at him frowning as tears suddenly flow down my eyes as I remember that moment.
He then noticed and got worried.

"Oh no I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

I cut him off as I hugged him. He was shocked at first but hugged back I buried my face on his shoulder as I sob. He patted my back and comforted me.

"You idiot!  I loved you you know that!  And you shouldn't have yelled that!" I cried.
"Shhh it's okay I love you too I was just afraid to lose you" he whispered.

He pulled a little and wiped the tears on my eyes and smiled my eyes was shining.

"Don't cry your beauty will be ruined I like it more when you smile can I see it?" he asked.

I chuckled and smiled. Then he did something that made me shocked he kissed me. My eyes went wide but slowly closed them and kissed back he placed his hand on my waist while I placed mine on his neck.

He pulled away and smiled.
"That's my girl come on I wanna tell everyone your mine and mine only"

I giggled and we walked back. Well now I'm his.

Sup well this chapter sucked but I hope you like it!

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