chapter 9

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(Y/n)'s POV:
I was just making drawings about my favorite cartoon when someone knocked at my door.

I stood up and walked to the door I opened it and saw numbuh 3.

"Hiya (Y/n)! Wanna come with us at the beach?" She asked.
"Yeah sure let me get something to wear and stuff and I'll be right there" I told her.

She nodded and left. I closed the door and looked at my closet dad and mom knew that I was living in this tree house and let me live here so I took somethings that can help like these situations.
I found a cute swimsuit it was (f/c).

(I'll let you guys change the color  )

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(I'll let you guys change the color  )

I took a beach bag and put in a sun skein, towel and a floaty. I walked to the group I was already changed to my (f/c) swimsuit. Numbuh 4 looked at me and blushed is there something wrong with me?

I shrugged it off and walked towards them but numbuh 5 and 1 wasn't there. I was about to ask when I heard laud cries.
I turned around and saw numbuh 1 being dragged by numbuh 5. He keep yelling that he don't wanna swim.

I chuckled at him he noticed me and blushed. Seriously what's wrong? We all went to the rocket.


We arrived at the beach numbuh 1 was still being dragged by Numbuh 5. When she got near the water she let's go of numbuh 1.

I didn't bother them I walked closer to Kuki and asked if I can also build sand castles with her. She agreed and we started making a big one.

"Hey wally! Wanna be my prince in the castle! Please!" She begged.
Wally was buried in sand he looked at us. "And miss being buried in the sand!? Fat chance!"

Me and Kuki only shrugged and continued making the castle bigger. Then numbuh 1 started yelling.

"I can't the whole day doing nothing!? I'm the man of action" He argued.
"OK man of action go home! See if we care" numbuh 5 said.
"Great! I'll be back and pick you guys up at 6!" He shouted.

He ran to the rocket and flew off back to the tree house. Numbuh 2 and 5 didn't cared and then ran to the water they started splashing each other enjoying themselves. Numbuh 4 just kept singing (I guess) that he was buried in the sand.

"NanananaNA! buried in the sand NAnananaNA! Buried in the sand" he sang.

I giggled at his childness. Then went back to making sand castles. After me and Kuki finished making the sand castle she started celebrating. But three strange looking knights came and pooped all over the party.

Kids Next Door x Reader (Continued)Where stories live. Discover now