chapter 11

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(Y/n)'s POV:
It was winter and our day off today.  I was thinking of going to the library and borrowing some books.
I went to my closet and took some winter clothes.

I put them on and took my library card and bag

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I put them on and took my library card and bag.

I went to the living room to check if there's any needed emergency help.

"Sup guys" I greeted.

They looked at me.

"Now what do you think you're going numbuh 6?" Numbuh 5 asked.
"Oh to the library" I said.
"To the library?!  But that's  the most boring place in the world!" Wally complained.
"No it isn't you just need to love the story and understand it" I said.
"Well I hope you have fun numbuh 6 we'll call you for any emergency" numbuh 1 said.

I nodded and walked outside. It was a good thing it hasn't snowed yet or else it would be hard for me to walk there.

As I was walking someone bumped at me.

"Hey!  You should b- oh hey (Y/n)"

I looked at the person who bumped me and it was Ace.

"Oh sup Ace sorry I didn't see where I was going" I blushed and looked down.
"No it was my fault no need to apologize anyway where are you going? " he asked.
"Oh I was headed to the library"

He smiled at me and held my hand.

"Great I was going there too" he said.
"Oh so let's go? " I asked.

He nodded and we walked to the library hands linked.

"So (Y/n)  hows you and your friends going? " he said the word friends like venom...
"Oh uh there fine and we're having much fun" I said.

He smiled at me and let go of my hand and then I felt a hand on my shoulder it was Ace...

"You seem cold come on let's hurry" he said.

We walked faster and we got to the library. We walked in and he put his hand back to my hand.
I blushed and we started finding a book. I took out a funny and romantic book meanwhile Ace took a comic book.

We seated on the chair and started reading.

"(Y/n)  did you remembered the first time we met? " he asked.
"Yeah why? "
"I just wanna tell you that i like you"
"I like you too as a friend" I said.

He shook his head and took off his shades.

"No I like you more then just a friend" he said.

I blushed. He put on his shades and smiled at me.

"Uh.... " I couldn't say a word.
He chuckled. "Come on let's get two books and head home"

I nodded and took a horror book for my second book and used my library card to borrow it.

We walked outside and me and Ace had some small talk. When we got to the tree house we bid goodbye but before I could walked in Ace pulled me to a hug and whispered to my ear.

"You're mine no one else cause. I love you "

He let me go and kissed my cheek and left.
He left me dumbfounded. I stand there not knowing what to do.
Just then a snowflake dropped and it started snowing.


I turned around and saw numbuh 2.
I smiled and walked in I headed to my room and placed the books on my desk I touched my cheek and blushed.
I sigh and sat down on a chair I opened the romantic comedy book when a note fell.
I was folded I opened it and read what's inside.

'Be my date at the Winter Bal tomorrow don't say no cause remember you're MINE'

I blushed then the door opened I quickly put the note in the book and closed it.
I turned around and saw numbuh 1.

"Hey (Y/n)  there's gonna be a bal tomorrow and I just wanna ask you if you wanted to come with me as a... Date" he looked away.

I smiled then remembered Ace...

"Uh...s-sorry numbuh 1 but someone already asked me" I said.

He frowned and nodded he left my room.

Now what?  I opened the book and reread the note.

"Ugh... Danm it Ace" I mumbled and walked to my bed and readed the book

Nigel's POV:
I was about to go to my room when I heard (Y/n)  sigh.

"Danm it Ace... " she mumbled.

What?  I peak at (Y/n)  and she was reading a note.
Ace asked her out?!  Well not on my watch I'll try taking him away from her he doesn't deserve her.

Sup hope you enjoyed the chap sorry if there's not much Wally there I'll try adding him on the next one oh yeah for the Ace fanatics out there here's what you guys want! <(-‿◦)> anyway see ya on the next chapter!

                              ~C ya

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