chapter 16 (Wallabee)

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(Y/n)'s POV
I turn around and saw Wally blushing.

"Can somewhere private? " he asked scratching the back of his neck.
"Hold on" I said and turn to numbuh 84.

She nodded and I smiled at Wally he held my hand and we walked outside.

"Let's have a walk while talking" he said.

I nodded and we stroll around the community. It was silent and it was getting dark so I decided to break the silence.

"So what are you gonna tell me? " I asked.
He blushed. "Well you see I- uh look the park! "

He then held my hand I blushed then he started dragging me to the park it wasn't close yet so when we saw the playground we sat down on the swing.

"So? " my eyebrow rise waiting for an answer.

He sight and looked at me I know he was serious now.

"(Y/n)  I love you I would do anything even if I get in trouble unless I get you out of that trouble it mean a lot to me I cause I love you no matter what or who you are" he said.
"Oh my God"
"It's ok if you don't feel the same it's-"

I cut him off as I stand up from my swing and bend to kiss him. He passionatly kiss back without hesitations. But of course this thing called air that life gave we have to broke apart for it.

"You don't have to say if cause I love you too" I said.

He smiled and grabbed my shoulder he again kissed me I kissed back not wanting to pull off. I put my hands on his hair and he held my waist (which I don't know how but please roll with me this shortie is so short so idk ) it felt like the galaxy is surrounding us.
He let go of the kiss and smiled at me I smiled back and sat back down on the swing.

The stars soon came out making the sky more beautiful and the moon was full making my eyes shine.

"The sky it so beautiful I love it" I whispered.
"Just like you" he said.

I blushed and looked at him with a smile he was staring at me his brown eyes filled with joy. I then shivered because of the cold ness I don't have my hoodie on or my jacket.
Wally then put his hoodie on me his warmth spreading to my body. He was now wearing a white shirt.

"Thanks" I said.
"You're welcome" he said.

He then looked down on his foot.

"What's the matter Wally? " I asked.
"Well you see I'm not smart, that handsome or know how to swim yet you loved me" he sadly said.

I hugged him and he hugged back.

"I love you for who and what you are I don't care if you don't know how to swim or if you're ugly you love me right? You won't leave me then I love you even if you're stupid you're MY idiot " I said.

He chuckled then let go of the hug he held my hand and smirk.

"Come on let's go back and rub it to everyone that I have a girl friend!" He exclaimed and we started walking home.

The walk was long but worth it at least I have MY boyfriend with me.

Sup guys while I was writing this story something landed on my head because of course dark and raining I jump in conclusion and scream. I thought it was a bat....but instead it was just some dirt....well I hope you like the chapter!

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