Chapter #10 What's the Plan?

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BRIDE?! Did Slappy really just say that?! I jumped to my feet, only to be grabbed by two Horrors that were with Slappy. They lifted me off the ground, each holding one of my arms tightly. Despite the vice grip, I struggled to get free.

    "Aw, don't struggle Rebecca. It won't do you any good." Slappy persuaded. "Come on boys, let's get her back to the mansion." He added, gesturing to the Horrors.

I was carried all throughout Horrorland, kicking my feet in the air and using every bit of strength that I had to get my arms out of the Horror's grips. But, it was no use. I had been caught.

We approached Slappy's mansion now. In the distance, I could see dark heavy storm clouds accumulating,  heading our way too. Great. The perfect setting for being tortured.

Upon entering the mansion, Mr. Mortman held the door open for us. He smiled at me triumphantly when I passed him. I lunged at him a bit, gritting my teeth, but the Horrors held me back.

Slappy led the Horrors and I down the center hallway to a set of old wooden doors across from the dining hall. He pulled out a key and unlocked them, leading the way inside. We walked down a few flights of crumbling stone steps before entering a small, dimly lit, stone chamber, lined with a few jail cells. In one of them, sat my three friends. They spotted me and jumped to their feet.

    "Bec!" All of them exclaimed.

I gave them a weak smile, one of defeat. I noticed then that Ray was down here with us. He was holding open the heavy wooden door leading into the chamber, standing right next to me. A cocky smirk curled across his lips.

    "Welcome back, Bec. I told you there was no escape." He snickered condescendingly.

This angered me. It made my blood boil. Out of anger, I hauked up some spit and shot it in Ray's face. He jerked back, glaring at me furiously, he was fuming. This made Slappy turn to me.

    "Now is that any way for my bride to be acting?" He questioned.

There it was again. He addressed me as his BRIDE.

    "BRIDE?!" I squeaked.

    "Yes, soon to be anyways. I have Curly planning it right now." Slappy replied.

    "Planning what?" I asked cautiously.

    "Our wedding, Rebecca." Slappy stated.

    "WEDDING?!" My friends and I all yelled at once.

    "Did I stutter?" Slappy answered shrewdly.

    "'s just, why me?" I wondered.

    "I've been in search of a bride for a very long time Rebecca. Mary-Ellen just isn't the right fit for it, she's crazy and manipulative. But you, you seem like the perfect fit for me." Slappy explained.

    "Whose Mary-Ellen?" I questioned.

    "A doll that is obsessed with me. She's more psychotic than I am." Slappy jeered.

    "Oh..." I trailed off.

    "But don't worry about her, you'll be my queen, not her." Slappy consoled now.

    "Slappy...I...I can't marry you. You're just a.....dummy." I tried.

Slappy's face twisted with anger. His brown eyes seemed to burn through my green ones as he glared at me. Now, he held up his little wooden hand, a slime green aura began formulating around it. I began to choke suddenly, out of nowhere. Putting both hands to my neck, I saw that the same green aura was encircling my throat - Slappy was choking me!

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